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Copy over delivery/ under delivery tolerance values from SO to Prod ord

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I want to copy the values of under delivery and over delivery tolerances from the sales order to production order. My scenario is MTO and when I create a VC sales order a produciton order is created automatically. During this process the values of under delivery / overdelivery are not copied in to the production order. I want your idea to copy the same in the production order when I create a SO. By default if there is a value mentioned in the work scheduling view, it gets copied and if there is no value in WS view, no value is copied.


Sridharan M

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Hi Sridharan,

1. Yes you are correct the Under / over delivery tolerance will be copied from the workscheduling view from the material master only.

2. If you dont maintain anything then nothing will be copied to th ePRod order.

3. In case if you need to copy from the saless order , i dont think you have option from the Standard config

4. you can try user exit which can satisfy your requirement - but this will be logical only incase of the MTO situations.



0 Kudos
Hi, his is an old thread but actually matching my issue. What is the right way to transfer the Tolerance to the requirememnts, our sales order have a -0/+10% tolerance and in 30% of the cases we fail because the requirements are triggered only for the nominal qty and the component scrap. I would love to sell always more than nominal and not bother custmer with shorts. There must be a solution for it.