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Convert the stock

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Hi Guru,

I have raised One PO for 100 quantity.

i did GRN 103 MVT for 100 quantity.

I did GRN 105 MVT for 80 Quantity

Now i want to make 20 quantity for Scrap from GR Receipt Block stock. how convet GR Receipt blocked stock to Scrap stock.

Thanks & Regards


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Do you want to convert GR Receipt blocked stock to Scrap stock. But Blocked stock is available & Scrap stock is not in Standard SAP, Scrap storage location is allocated for scrap materials.

555 = use MT convert to Scrap from Blocked stock,

551 = use MT convert to Scrap from Unrestricted stock,

553 = use MT convert to Scrap from Quality stock.

Thanks & Regards:

Butterfly" Vasanth