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Convert Balance in local currency to Document currency

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We have created a G/L and checked the box balance in LC, the transaction posted in LC, now during mid-month they changed currency from USD (LC) to CAD and removed the check Balance in LC.

Before changing the master, data there are some documents posted with LC (USD) and Document currency Different (CAD).

Now when they run FAGLGB03 and FAGLL03 and display the balance in CAD, amounts are not matching because before conversion some documents were posted in CAD as DC and when we drill down in FAGLGB03 these documents are not shown but these documents are shown in FAGLl03.

Is there a way to convert the amount in FAGLFEXT on teh line posted before changing master data as TSL in Transaction currency and HSL in Document currency because right now both the amounts in TSL and HSL is same?




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Hi Vivek,

This is the summary as per the details you mentioned, please correct me if i am wrong

On 1st June you have created a GL-11001- Rent A/C, where the Account currency in co.code segment is USD

From 1st June to 14th June, some documents were posted with USD as Local currency & CAD as Document Currency

Now on say 15th June , the account currency of the GL account was chagned from USD to CAD.

Now the balances are not matching in FAGLL03 & FAGLB03

FAGLL03 will shown the balance by line items, whereas FAGLB03 will show only the balance in the specific currency.

In FAGLB03, if you want to change the displayed currency, you can go to Edit--- Change display currency and choose in which currency you want to display the balances.

Once you have posted a document, you can't change the currency fields.