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Confirmed qty is always zero..

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Hi all,

I am testing the Consignment Process in SD.

I have done the below settings in IMG. But when I create the Consign Fillup Order, always the "Availability Control Screen" pops with the Confirmed qty showing always ZERO....even though the plant has sufficient stock.

When I create Normal Sales Order, I don't get this message. Is't becos in Schedule Line cate CP the Av check is not ticked in t-code : VOV6 for movement type 601 ???

1. Consignment fill up:

Sales document type is KB

Item category KBN

shedule line category E1

In this step, since we are not invoicing the customer. document flow is sales order -

delivery item category. It will not be relevent for billing and pricing because we are not charging money for these goods in this step.

In schedule line category, we will set movement type 631 & set for availability check and TOR.

2. Consignment Issue.

Once the customer informed us that he used all the goods or partial goods then we will create consignment issue for used goods.

Sales document: KE

Item category: KEN

shedule line category: C0 or C1

Here we are invoicing the customer(because he used the goods). We assign the delivery documnt and billing document to the sales document.

In item category, we are setting relevent for billing, pricing, special stock.

In schedule line category, the setting is 633 movement type, relevent for availability check & TOR.

3. Consignment Return: Customer found that some goods are damaged or he not able to sold the goods he want to send it back. that we are creating this document.

Sales document type: KR

Item category: KRN

Shedule line category: D0

Then I assigned delivery document and billing to sales document. We create return order, return delivery, return billing.

The setting for item category is relevent for billing, returns, pricing, special stock.

The setting for schedule line item category: 634 movement type, NO availability NO TOR.

4. Consignment Pick up:

Even if we create the consignment return the goods are not coming directly to our plant. For that we need to create consignment pick up. here the owner ship is not changing so we do not need to create billing.

Assign retrun delivery to sales document type.

Sales document: KA

Item category: KAN

schedule line category: F0 & F1

The item category is relevent for returns. any shedule line category relevent for 632 movement type, MRP, availability check, delivery.



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Active Contributor
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Dear Anne

For fillup process whatever you have configured seems to be correct. Further please check in material master MRP3 view, what has been assigned for the field "Availability check". It should be "02".


G. Lakshmipathi

Former Member
0 Kudos

Yes, the MM settings are correct.

By the way, when I checked with Stock Req list in MD04 I could see lot of -ve quantities.

I guess the problem is stock is already in -ve.

But my other problem now is, when I create Consign Return Order with reference to Consign Issue order I could create the Return Order.

But eventually when I display the Consign Return Order, I get the below error message:


In the inbox the follwoing message appears:

Update was terminated

System ID.... MRD

Client....... 100

User..... PWC

Transaction.. VF04

Update key... 4F46AE0224EB4A85B7C0B3B55E4C961A

Generated.... 19.01.2008, 16:22:24

Completed.... 19.01.2008, 16:22:26

Error Info... 00 671: ABAP/4 processor: SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC

Any idea? Pls advise.



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Dear Anne

For information, whatever stock you see in MMBE (unrestricted) the same will flow in MD04 with blue colour.

First you have to check whether this is matching with MMBE stock. Secondly, I presume your comments "-ve quantities" means in MD04, you see list of requirements with the suffix hyphenated. If that is the case, production has not been taken for those requirements. As and when, production takes place and stock increased in MMBE, to that extent the quantity in "Available qty" will decrease.

For example, if 100 pcs stock is available and my requirement is 75, if you see in MD04, the flow would be first 100 pcs stock will be displayed in blue colour. The next line would be my requirement of 75 pcs will flow in "Rec/reqd.qty" and 25 pcs will flow in the next column without any suffix hyphenated. This means, 25 pcs is open stock.


G. Lakshmipathi

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Dear Anne

In continuation to my earlier posting, normally if you want to create a return order be it whether it is OR / RE, you have to refer the preceding document only, ie.proforma / billing.

Can you please let me know why you are referring consignment issue order??

With regard to "Termination" error, on going through the error message listed by you, you have indicated the tcode as "VF04". Where comes VF04 here.


G. Lakshmipathi

Former Member
0 Kudos

Am sorry should be VA03..

I am testing the Consignment process flow. I created first the Consignment Fill-up order of 10 qty (to reserve for Customer A). But this stock is still under our Plant.

Then I created the Consignment Issue order with reference to the Fill-up order for qty 10, meaning 10 pcs are moved to Customer's site.

Then Customer returns 2 pcs back to Cust.consignment stock. So I created Consign Return with ref to Consignmnet Issue order.

Is this process okay?

Pls share,



Active Contributor
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Dear Anne

My suggestion would be create the issue order with reference to proforma (F8). Then only, you have the track record of whatever material despatches from plant tallies with material available in issue order.

If you create issue order with reference to fill up order, at a later stage, you will not be able to track despatch details accurately.

To explain your requirement in detail, my comments would be as follows:-

You created Consignment fillup order for x1 material 10 pcs. For this you create fillup delivery and proforma invoice. Based on this proforma invoice, you create an issue order so that whatever you transfer the stock to warehouse, for that quantity only, you issue order will show the details.

Against this issue order, you create a issue delivery for 10 pcs and generate commercial invoice (F2) for the same. Now as you said, if end customer rejects 2 pcs out of 10 pcs, you create a return order with reference to commercial invoice. It should NOT be with reference to issue order.

I am sure, now your flow will be in line with the standard process.


G. Lakshmipathi

ps:- think you took most of my today's time ::). no problem in turn, I am also checking my capability in this process. reward if this really useful

Former Member
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haahaaa't? Sure..

Can I have the copy control setting for Proforma to Sales Order?

Active Contributor
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Dear Anne

Below are the copy controls

VTAA - Copy Control for Sales Document to Sales Document

VTFF - Copy Control for Billing to Billing

VTFA - Billing to Sales Document

VTAF - Sales to Billing Document

VTFL - Delivery to Billing


G. Lakshmipathi

Former Member
0 Kudos

I am aware of these Txn codes Lakshmi..

But as I am not sure of the details inside the copy control like item category of the reference billling doc type , here proforma invoice..

sorry ..& appreciate your feedback.

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Dear Anne

If you want to test for consignment fillup process, then as I said earlier, you should have copy control for Delivery to Proforma (TCode VTFL). It should not be Order to Delivery. If you are interested in this proposal, please let me know.


G. Lakshmipathi

Former Member
0 Kudos

yes, I do have the Proforma copy control setting from Delivery LF.

But the next step for I created Consign Issue order with ref to Consign Fill-up.

As you said I need to have the copy control from proforma invoice to issue order correct?

