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Configuration And Startup of mini-http server

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Please help me , for configuration and startup of mini-http server in B1i 2005 .

Thanks & Regards


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Former Member
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HI Pavan,

follow the follwoing procedure for ur requirement,

Cause and Prerequisites

When installing the Business One Integration, you will be given two

options: small mode and medium mode. No matter which mode you choose, the

mini-HTTP server can always be installed. One thing to keep in mind is the

mini-HTTP server is only intended for debug purposes. The developer and

white box tester can trace the work flow within the Business One

Integration and easily figure out the location in the system. So for your

daily real business work flow, please use Tomcat.



The configration of mini-HTTP server is very simple with no diffence

compared to the common java applications. To demonstrate the configuration,

suppose the JAVA_HOME and the B1iXcellerator home are "C:\j2sdk1.4.2_06"

and "D:\workspace\B1iXcellerator" respectively.

1. Make sure the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set correctly. For

windows operation system, Desktop->My Computer->Advanced->

Environment Variables. Suppose the JAVA_HOME variable must be presented

with the value C:\j2sdk1.4.2_06.

2. Any changes such as adding or deleting library java archive files in

D:\workspace\B1iXcellerator\WEB-INF\lib will update the file

b1i_start_s.bat in directory of D:\workspace\B1iXcellerator. In other

words, same changes must occur corresponding to CLASSPATH entries. For

example, a new adapter presented in Business One Integration with entry

java archive XYZ.jar in D:\workspace\B1iXcellerator\WEB-INF\lib; and a new


will be added into the b1i_start_s.bat file.


How to start up the mini-HTTP server? There are no tricks.

1. Stop any tomcat instance, and mini-HTTP server before starting up a new

mini-HTTP server. And make sure the port number 8080 is free.

2. Then go to start->All Programs->SAP Business One Integration, and click

b1i_start_s. Also, another approach is to go to the directory of

D:\workspace\B1iXcellerator, and click the b1i_start_s.bat to start the


and check the note number : 883691

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