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Compare the amount of a wage type between two payroll periods

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Dear Experts,

I need to compare the amount of the same wage type between the current payroll period and the previous one. If there is difference the difference amount should be added in another wage type.

Kindly I need your support on how to write the PCR and where to add it in the schema.

Best regards,

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Schema IN00 has subschema XLR0... double click on it and it takes to X006

0 Kudos

Dear Omar,

To compare the value of a single wage type for different payroll period, you need to select processing class 06 specification 1. In this case PCR X006 will take care the previous result amount.

For current amount and to compare write PCR

Call Wage type and call previous result table by using L Ex -     AMT=L 1000

Save this amount in a variable                                       Ex -    Amt=&  ABCD

Compare this amount with current amount                      Ex -   AMT? ABCD

Insert this PCR with function PLRT

I think this will help you.

Thanks & Regards,


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Hi Baidyanath,

Thanks for your response.

Would you please tell me more details on how to write it. There will be only one PCR?

And where shall I insert it in the schema?


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The first PCR will be called through function PLRT (Process Last Result Table) and should look for the required WT.  If it's present, transfer it into an Information WT or into a temporary variable.

Look into your current Payroll Schema where that function is currently used.  You should be able to insert your new PCR in the same area.

Then, you'll have to create a second PCR that will be called through function PIT (Process Internal Table) and should look for the required WT.  If it's present, then compare it's amount to the amount of the Information WT or to the amount of the temporary variable created previously.  This PCR will need to be inserted into your schema after the PCR processing the LRT and after the amount is finalized for the required WT.

Stury your schema and it's rules, and try to make the change.

If you have problems, search this site as there are many threads on PCRs.

If you can't find the solution, post what you have done.

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Hi Remi,

There is no link for the site you mentioned.

The issue is that in the localization the Social Insurance doesn't calculate the difference  if there is retroactive.


His Basic Salary is 1000, the Social Insurance calculates 5% from the Basic.

In January the employee will take 1000 - 50= 950.

In February his Basic increased retro by 1100, 1100 - 55= 1045 (he should take 1045 - 5 for the previous month and that is not happening)

Accordingly I need to write PCR to get the difference to be deducted from the employee.


Active Contributor
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Hi Omar,

Before you go and write new PRC rules, try understand why the retro calculation did not take the additional 5% from the retro pay rate.  If, in your example, the IT0008 was changed to $1100 effective January 1st, the payroll should have recalculated the January pay when running the February pay - $1,100 - $55 = $1,045 - $950 already paid = $95 additional pay for January  + $1,100 - $55 = $1045 so $1,140 is actually paid in February. 

Please review your payroll log to see why this retro calcualtion did not run as it should have recalculated everything automatically.


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If I understand you correctly,  for a specific WT, you need to compare the results between the Original Payroll Results and the Recalculated Payroll Results for that same pay, and not between the Last Payroll Results and the Current Payroll Results.

Please confirm for what Country Code your requirement applies as what you refer to should be a standard functionnality.

Also confirm if your "Social Insurance" Deduction is a Standard Technical WT or a Custom WT.

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I am working on country grouping QA (Qatar localization) and it is a standard technical wage type.

Actually when I run retro pay for the employee the social insurance doesn't calculate the difference, accordingly I need to write PCR to compare the amount of the previous month and the current month and if there is difference add it in another wage type.


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Hi Paul,

I checked the log several times but I cant understand why it isn't calculating.

Best regards,

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I am not familiar with Country Code QA, but if you are dealing with a Standard Technical WT and there is no Outflow/Inflow already set-up, you will have to create Custom Technical WTs (such as /Xxx for the Output, and /Zxx for the Input) for that purpose and the PCRs to genenerate and process them.

Find the part of your Payroll Schema where processing will differ if this pay is Retroactive or Current, since you'll have to add your PCR to generate the Output in the Retroactive Payroll Calculation part.

Former Member
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Dear Remi,

Would you please elaborate more on how to write the PCR to calculate the difference.

Thanks in advance,

Active Contributor
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First, you should look at your current Payroll Schema (for QA) and it's PCR.  There should be a sub-schema already set-up to compare the recalculated payroll results with the original payroll results.  In Canada, this happens in sub-schema KDBS.

Try to find something similar in your Payroll Schema, namely a sub-schema that uses functions PLRT and PORT.