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CIN: Rounding off of VAT Surcharge: JVSC

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Dear All,

We want to roundoff the VAT Surcharge amount to the nearest rupee. For example: If the amount is INR 19.19, then it should be rounded off to INR 19.00 and if the amount is INR 19.75 then it should be rounded off to INR 20.

We have tries the following:

We have set the Condition type JVSC, with rounding rule - 'Commercial'.

We have set the Caltype as 17 (routine for rounding as per T001R) for Condition type JVSC in TAXINN procedure.

We have set Rounding unit in T001R as 100 for the Company Code.

But, when we try to post, the amount does not get rounded off.

Are we missing something? Any other setting has to be done?

Please help.


Vinod P

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Hi Friend

Please enter the Round of amount as 5 in OB90 and try to calculate tax again , hope it will work

0 Kudos

HI Shihab,

Thanks for your suggestion.

I tried this, but it doesn't work.

Can you suggest a work around if the settings are allright?


Vinod P

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Can we have OBQ1 - Condition type JVSC screen shot along with the transaction which is not rounding off?


Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Participant
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Hi SAP Expert,

I'm also facing same issue as vinod. But, my issue is of service tax with procedure TAXINJ and in condition type JSRT (A/P service Tax) calType mentioned 17. However, while my posting transaction via tcode FB60 tax is not calculating on the basis of round off or even i checked with removing calType 17. It does not work.

Sombody, please help me in this issue on priority.

Thanks for you help in advance.
