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change calculation range period in FX contract

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I would change unflag the item "inclusive" in tab "cash flow" in a FX contract (FTR_EDIT> tab cash flow > double click on one of the flow displayed) as per the attached image.

The flag is not editable even if the contract has been just created. Do you know how to remove this flag?


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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I need to change the flag because the system including both the range start/end days is calculating 34 days instead of 33.

The field is editable for nominal interest tab but in cash flow this is calculated automatically by the system, thus is there a way in customizing where is this set?


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Hi Larissa,

it's not allowed to change and there is no such customizing.
By the way for calculating 34 days instead of 33 days, can you give some explanation or screen shots.

Regards, Feng

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HI Larissa,

You are createing forex deal, So what interest you are trying to capture. Please share full details.

In forex currecy will be picked from TCURR table.



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Hi please find attahced the screen, the system is calculating 34 days instead of 33

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Obviously, it's interest flow. And it's not related to the FX deal you described before.

For interest flow it's calcualted from condition automatically, you need to check the condition defiination.

Regards, Feng

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As Jain and Feng told you that you showed us FX transaction - and there is no interests there.

As concern FX - on your first transaction there are no values in Calculation base set of fields, only "Inclusive" checkmark. In this case your checkmark don't play any significant role.

As concerns to your second screenshot - it is something like 55A, 51A product types where we can find Interest flows.

You can controll "Inclusive" check mark of your flows in:

  • Structure tab -> Term block -> Inclusive field.

  • Conditions -> Condition type 1200 -> Dates -> Calculation date -> Inclusive.

Former Member
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sorry it was a Loan not a FX

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thanks it seems what I'm looking for.

I've found it but the number of days is always the same, Ho w can I change the number of days?

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You are welcom.

Number of days strictly depends on your Condition's parameters.

Will you plese show us your Structure tab and 1200 condition screenshots.

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Hi Grigoriy please find attached the screenshot


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Thanks I've solved with your help, I've tried in test environment and I can change the number of days from conditions > box "end pf interest period"

now I need only to discover how to set editable these field in production envirnment since there these are not yet editable



Answers (2)

Answers (2)

0 Kudos

Hi Larissa,

I don't know why you want to unflag it.
It's mainly used for interest. The flag have no functionality here for this transaction I think.
you can right click on the flow and click Edit flow, there you can change something.
But this field is not allowed to change.

Thank you and best regards,

Former Member
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Hi, I need to unflag this because the system is calculating 34 days instead of 33.

I created a new contract in test environment, but also in this case, the system sets automatically the flag "inclusive". I suppose this is derived from customizing, Do you know where is this set?


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What is the reason you want to unflag the item "inclusive" ?