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Cancelar reconciliación- Cancel reconciliation

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Buenas Noches, hoy se ha creado una reconciliación con fecha 13/01/2020, he cancelado esa reconciliado y me he dado cuenta que no sale el mensaje con opción de elegir “fecha sistema actual” o " fecha de documento". Solo se cancela sin que salga ese mensaje con opción, ya he desbloqueado el periodo 2020 pero igual no sale.

Adjunto foto del mensaje con opción que debería salir.

Good night, today a reconciliation has been created with date 01/13/2020, I have canceled that reconciled and I have realized that the message with the option to choose "current system date" or "document date" does not appear. It is only canceled without that message with option coming out, I have already unlocked the 2020 period but it still does not come out. I attach a photo of the message with the option that it should go out.

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For example, if I want to cancel a reconciliation for this month January 2021, the message with an option does not appear, but if I cancel a reconciliation for the year 2020, if that message appears, but there is also a rarity, for example yesterday I created a reconciliation to date 1 / 12/2020 and I canceled it but the message with option did not appear.