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BYD web service ManageSiteLogisticsTaskIn

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i'm trying to use the web service proposed in BYD "ManageSiteLogisticsTaskIn" to confirm the Warehouse task (for example a pick-up task), but i have a problem.

using this message schema, i would like to confirm a logistic task specifying a LogisticsDeviationReasonCode to close the open quantities less than the order quantity, but when the service is called, the system register the right quantity without put to zero the open quantity.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:glob="">





<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->



<SiteLogisticTaskID schemeID="?" schemeAgencyID="?" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="?">36411</SiteLogisticTaskID>



<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->




<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->



<OperationActivityUUID schemeID="?" schemeAgencyID="?">00163e06-cce2-1ee3-b6d3-944387015ca0</OperationActivityUUID>

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->



<MaterialInputUUID schemeID="?" schemeAgencyID="?">00163e06-cce2-1ee3-b6d3-94438701bca0</MaterialInputUUID>


<ProductID schemeID="?" schemeAgencyID="?" schemeAgencySchemeID="?" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="?">100003</ProductID>


<ActualQuantity unitCode="EA">60.0</ActualQuantity>





<MaterialOutputUUID schemeID="?" schemeAgencyID="?">00163e06-cce2-1ee3-b6d3-944387021ca0</MaterialOutputUUID>


<ProductID schemeID="?" schemeAgencyID="?" schemeAgencySchemeID="?" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="?">100003</ProductID>


<ActualQuantity unitCode="EA">10.0</ActualQuantity>







<ProductID schemeID="?" schemeAgencyID="?" schemeAgencySchemeID="?" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="?">100003</ProductID>


<ActualQuantity unitCode="EA">50.0</ActualQuantity>












Please can someone said to me where i'm getting wrong? Maybe there is an error into the message trace?


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Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos
  • Is it possible to specify the logistics unit ID by means of WS manage task of a picking task, in order to confirm the outbound packaging on ByD? We tried with request attached but it didn’t work.

Request message:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:glob="">





         <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->



            <SiteLogisticTaskID schemeID="?" schemeAgencyID="?" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="?">36418</SiteLogisticTaskID>



            <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->




               <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->



                  <OperationActivityUUID schemeID="?" schemeAgencyID="?">00163e06-cce2-1ee3-b6ee-cbad95791d67</OperationActivityUUID>

                  <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->



                     <MaterialOutputUUID schemeID="?" schemeAgencyID="?">00163e06-cce2-1ee3-b6ee-cbad9579fd67</MaterialOutputUUID>


                     <ProductID schemeID="?" schemeAgencyID="?" schemeAgencySchemeID="?" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="?">103710</ProductID>





                      <LogisticsUnitQuantity unitCode="PAL">2</LogisticsUnitQuantity>


                     <ActualQuantity unitCode="EA">2.0</ActualQuantity>









Response message:

<soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-env="">



<n0:SiteLogisticsTaskBundleMaintainResponse_sync_V1 xmlns:n0="" xmlns:prx="">







<SiteLogisticsTaskNote>Cannot perform Logistic Unit update for Material_Output node:00163E06CCE21EE3B6EECBAD9579FD67</SiteLogisticsTaskNote>






  • Is it possible to specify / communicate the serial number of picked items by means of WS manage task of a picking task? If yes, in what tag of WS manage task message we need to specify this attribute?