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Breakpoint not set because enhancement impl. EAM_AROLES_SFWS_SC_IHIE is switched off

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In the Standard FM: PM_HIERARCHY_CALL, we have an Enhancement implementation: ES_SAPLIHIE, that I try to put a break-point it is giving an error saying and that code is not executing.

Checking the enhancement through se19 it looks active.

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If the code is switched off, it's normal that you can't debug it, it's not compiled. Set your break-point at a line with active code.

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Where can I find this option ?

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Hi alisonv

here is my best an final answer, the problem you are facing is the intended behavior of sap for the enhancement you are working on. The enhancement is not active and you can see that in SE18, Enhancement Spot ES_SAPLIHIE , technical details tab and line function module PM_HIERARCHY_CALL with status "Initial" (AKA NOT ACTIVE) below screenshot:

Lastly but not lest, under attributes tab you can see that there s a flag on "implemented at SAP only" which means I quote "Creation of enhancement elements for this enhancement spot by the customer is thus excluded"

Please mark this thread as completed for future searches, thanks!A

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But why I can put a breakpoint and debug it at other environments?


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i can throw you just some ideas:

- unlikely but possible, different environments with different release

- unlikely but possible, someone changed manually the F.M. as i can see in sapecc45 instance there are several enhancements where by default there is only one

- likely, perhaps in a previous release, the enhancement was not dedicated to sap and/or sap did it for you Guys

In those systems where you can put the breakpoint, what's the "Enhancement Impl.Status" for F.M.PM_HIERARCHY_CALL in SE18 spot ES_SAPLIHIE ?

This doesn't change my answer , if you need to run a comparison of your two systems PM me and we'll run step by step together
