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BAPI for WCOCO tcode in S4HANA

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Hi everyone!

I've been looking for BAPI than I can use to upload multiple Rebate Contract which is created in Tcode WCOCO manually. I tried BAPI_CONDITION_CONTRACT_CREATE but I'm getting errors in Business Volume. Can you please send me your sample code on how to correctly populate the tables in BAPI? Thank you so much!



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if you need to pass the extensionin in your bapi, you can fill the data like below

DATA: lw_bapi_te_komg TYPE bapi_te_komg,
lw_bapi_te_komgx TYPE bapi_te_komgx.
CLEAR: lw_bapi_te_komg,

lw_bapi_te_komg-order_key = lv_cnt.
lw_bapi_te_komg-zzaufnr = lw_main-internal_order.

gw_extensionin-structure = 'BAPI_TE_KOMG'.
gw_extensionin-valuepart1 = lw_bapi_te_komg.
APPEND gw_extensionin TO gt_extensionin.

lw_bapi_te_komgx-order_key = lv_cnt.
lw_bapi_te_komgx-zzaufnr = abap_true.

gw_extensionin-structure = 'BAPI_TE_KOMGX'.
gw_extensionin-valuepart1 = lw_bapi_te_komgx.
APPEND gw_extensionin TO gt_extensionin.

before this step, you need to append new structure to BAPI_TE_KOMG, BAPI_TE_KOMGX and also KOMG structure