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BADI for Vendor Invoice after Posting to send a mail to vendor

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My requirement Is like this.

I have to send a mail to vendor after the Invoice for vendor is Posted.

For dat I am searching for a badi to implement after the invoice is successfully posted.

Please give some solution about this.



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if it is F-43 . check out the following

BAdI Definition Description

AC_QUANTITY_GET Transfer of Quantities to Accounting - Customer Exit

BADI_ENJ_ALT_ADR Go to alternative vendor/customer data

BADI_F040_SCREEN_600 Screen Enhancement on F040 0600 Document Header

BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS01 Screen Enhancement 1 on FDCB Basic Data Screen (010, 510)

BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS02 Screen Enhancement 2 on FDCB Basic Data Screen (010, 510)

BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS03 Screen Enhancement 3 on FDCB Basic Data Screen (010, 510)

BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS04 Screen Enhancement 4 on FDCB Basic Data Screen (010, 510)

BADI_FDCB_SUBBAS05 Screen Enhancement 5 on FDCB Basic Data Screen (010, 510)

BADI_PRKNG_NO_UPDATE BAdI for Deactivating Update of Parked Documents

F050S008 FIDCC1, FIDCC2 Inbound IDoc: Update Comparison Ledger

FBAS_CIN_LTAX1F02 Tax interface

FBAS_CIN_MF05AFA0 EWT - Downpayment Clearing - Tax transfer for CIN

FI_AUTHORITY_ITEM Extended Authorization Check for Document Display (FB03)

FI_GET_INV_PYMT_AMT BAdI for determining the payment amount for an invoice

FI_HEADER_SUB_1300 Screen Enhancement for Document Header SAPMF05A

FI_PAYREF_BADI_010 BAdI: Payment Reference Number

FI_TRANS_DATE_DERIVE Derive BKPF-WWERT from Other Document Header Data

INVOIC_FI_INBOUND BADIs for Inbound IDoc INVOIC FI (Vendor Invoice)

RFESR000_BADI_001 BAdI for Own Processing of POR Item

otherwise - find out the package of the program of the transaction.

go to se84 - enhancements- business add ins - definitions - enter package and execute - you will see all the definations.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Contributor
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for which transaction ?

Former Member
0 Kudos

FB60 , MIRO , FB01

Can u please tell me what r the exits or badis called after the Vendor Invoice is being posted for the above transactions ?

Thanks for ur response.


Edited by: jyoti sahu on Dec 21, 2007 10:31 AM