on 2008 Apr 23 7:20 AM
hi guru,
At the time of sales order availability check should be done. wht r the configuration setting to be done.
Types of Availability Check in Sales and Distribution Processing Locate the document in its SAP Library structure
There are three types of availability check:
Check on the basis of the ATP quantities
Check against product allocation
Check against planning
In Customizing, you determine whether an availability check is to be carried out against the ATP quanitity or against planning. The check against product allocations is controlled in the material master and elsewhere in the system.
Check on the Basis of the ATP Quantities
The ATP quantity (ATP = Available To Promise) is calculated from the warehouse stock, the planned inward movements of stock (production orders, purchase orders, planned orders) and the planned outward movements of stock (sales orders, deliveries, reservations). This type of check is performed dynamically for each transaction, taking into account the relevant stock and planned goods movements with or without replenishment lead time. Planned independent requirements are not taken into account here.
Check against Product Allocation
Product allocation facilitates period-based distribution of products for certain customers or regions. As of Release 3.0F, you can carry out an availability check against product allocation. This ensures, for example, that when production is low, the first customer does not get the full amount, resulting in following sales orders not being confirmed or being confirmed far too late.
Check against planning
The check against planning is performed against independent requirements which are usually created for an �anonymous� market rather than being customer-specific (for example, in the strategy �Planning without assembly�, when production occurs only up to the stocking level). The planned independent requirements result from demand program planning and are used for planning expected sales quantities independent of orders
Weitere Informationen hierzu erhalten Sie unter Allocating and Reducing Independent Requirements in Sales and Distribution Processing.
Including Replenishment Lead Time
Replenishment lead time is the time that is needed to order or produce the requested material. The system determines replenishment lead time according to specific times defined by you in the material master record. Depending on the material type, replenishment lead time can be calculated according to various time periods. In the case of trading goods, for example, it is determined according to the planned delivery time, purchasing processing time, and the goods receipt processing time.
Replenishment lead time is only included in the check performed on the basis of the ATP quantity.
Availability Check Including Replenishment Time
Availability is only checked up to the end of replenishment lead time. If the material availability date is calculated on the basis of the current date to lie after the replenishment lead time for the item, the item itself can be confirmed despite insufficient stock being available. In this case, the system assumes that any quantity requested by the customer can be procured by the material availability date and considers the goods to be available. Therefore, a binding confirmation can be sent to the customer.
The following figure shows such a case. The customer wants 20 pieces delivered in full by the requested delivery date. Using backward scheduling, the system determines a material availability date. However, no goods are available. The inward movement of 100 pieces is used up by an outward stock movement. Therefore no stock is available for the material availability date determined by the system. If replenishment lead time were not taken into account, the following situation would arise. The customer wants complete delivery. However, as a result of further inward (50 pieces) and outward stock movements (40 pieces), the goods only become available shortly before the requested delivery date specified by the customer when 60 pieces are added to the stock. Correspondingly, the delivery date resulting from this material availability date would lie further in the future.
However, since replenishment lead time is taken into account during the availability check, the 20 pieces ordered can be delivered before this date, namely at the end of the replenishment lead time.
This graphic is explained in the accompanying text
To ensure that the replenishment lead time can be correctly calculated, the required times must be entered in the material master record. For in-house produced goods, the overall replenishment lead time is required, for externally procured materials, the planned delivery time, the processing time for goods receipt, or the processing time for purchasing is required.
Performing the availability check including replenishment lead time only makes sense if materials planning is carried out at regular intervals (best of all, daily for individual and daily requirements and weekly for weekly requirements). This ensures that inward movements of goods are checked against confirmed quantities. This is necessary as the delivery date for a sales order which has been confirmed on the day before replenishment lead time begins lies the next day within the replenishment lead time period and this leads to insufficient stock being available. This shortage can result in problems such as delivery creation being blocked.
Availability Check Excluding Replenishment Lead Time
If replenishment lead time is not to be taken into account in the availability check, the system can perform an unrestricted availability check. The following figure shows how the system reacts if an availability check is performed under the same conditions as in the figure above but excluding replenishment lead time. The customer also requires complete delivery of 20 pieces in this example.
This graphic is explained in the accompanying text
The quantity can only be confirmed on the date on which availability can be guaranteed again as a result of planned inward movements of stock. In this case, this is on the date when 60 pieces are added to stock.
Availability Status Display Options
You have the following options for displaying availability for materials:
1. In the sales menu you select Environment
® Availability Ovw to display the availability status for a material with reference to the plant and the checking rule.
In the shipping menu you can display the same data by selecting Environment ® Inventory management ® Availability overview.
2. Display total requirements
To display current requirements/inventory status by material and plant with assignments to planned independent requirements, select (Logistics ® Production ® Master planning ® Demand management ® Evaluations ® Display total reqmts)
3. Display current requirements/inventory
To display the available quantity for each material and plant from the MRP point of view; the available quantities are determined from the receipt elements and stock elements that are valid for MRP (Logistics ® Materials management ® Inventory management ® Environment ® Stock ® Stock/rqmts. list)
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1. Define Checking Groups
Menu Path: SPRO>SD>Basic Functions>Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements> Availability Check with ATP Logic or Against Planning>Define Checking Groups
You define checking groups with which you specify the type of requirements records the system is to create when processing sales orders or deliveries
2. Define Material Block for Other Users
Menu Path: SPRO>SD>Basic Functions>Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements> Availability Check with ATP Logic or Against Planning>Define Material Block for Other Users.
3 .Define Checking Groups Default Value
Menu Path: SPRO>SD>Basic Functions>Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements> Availability Check with ATP Logic or Against Planning>Define Checking Groups Default Value.
4. Carry out Control for Availability Check
Menu Path: SPRO>SD>Basic Functions>Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements> Availability Check with ATP Logic or Against Planning>Carry Out Control for Availability Check.
5. Define Procedure by Requirements Class
Menu Path: SPRO>SD>Basic Functions>Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements> Availability Check with ATP Logic or Against Planning>Define Procedure by Requirements Class.
6. Define Procedure for Each Schedule Line Category
Menu Path: SPRO>SD>Basic Functions>Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements> Availability Check with ATP Logic or Against Planning>Define Procedure for Each Schedule Line Category.
7. Determine Procedure for Each Delivery Item Category
Menu Path: SPRO>SD>Basic Functions>Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements> Availability Check with ATP Logic or Against Planning>Determine Procedure for Each Delivery Item Category.
8. Checking Rule for Updating Backorders
Menu Path: SPRO>SD>Basic Functions>Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements> Availability Check with ATP Logic or Against Planning>Checking Rule for Updating Backorders.
9. Define Default Settings
Menu Path: SPRO>SD>Basic Functions>Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements> Availability Check with ATP Logic or Against Planning>Define Default Settings.
Checking group
The checking group controls whether the system is to create individual or collective
requirements in sales and shipping processing. In addition, a material block for the
availability check with transfer of requirements can be set here. The checking group can
also be used to deactivate the availability check. This option was created especially for
the assembly order so that when the bill of material is exploded in the assembly order,
the individual components, if necessary, can be classified as non-critical parts as far as
procurement is concerned.
The checking group specifies in combination with the checking rule the scope of the
availability check. It is proposed in the material master record on the basis of the material
type and the plant, and copied into the sales and distribution documents.
_ Checking Rule
You use the checking rule to control the scope of the availability check for each
transaction in sales and distribution. You also specify whether the check should be
carried out including or excluding replenishment lead time. The individual checking rules
define by transaction, which stock and inward and outward movement of goods should
be taken into account for the availability check.
To confirm the Quantities for a line item in the Sales Order, system tries to understand what kind of Material Type it is?. Depending upon the Material type (FERTS), system proposes General Item Category Group (NORM), together with other 3 factors (TA, NIL, NIL) system determines item category for a line item in the Sales Order, together with MRP type (PD or NIL) system determines Schedule Line Category (CP) if Schedule Line Category CP then SAP can understand that it has to perform transfer of requirements (TOR) Availability Check function based on the Requirement Type (041) which points Requirement Class (041) where we specify that TOR and Availability Check functions should be carried out globally.
By default these values proposed in Schedule Line Categories where Requirement Type (041) determined.
By following a search strategy system determines requirement type.
Requirement Type signifies what kind of requirements (Sales Order Requirements or Delivery Requirements).
Once the requirements are transferred to MRP then system carries out Availability Check Functions. While carries out available check functions system determines ATP Qty following a formula.
ATP Qty = Warehouse Stock + Planned Receipts - Planned Issues.
Availability Check is going to be controlled by taking 2 factors into consideration. That are
a. Checking Group
b. Checking Rule
Checking Group determines what king of requirements it has to generate. Eg: Individual Requirement or Summarized Requirements.
Checking Rule specifies Scope of the Availability Check that means what kind of MRP elements ( PR Purchase Requisition, PO Purchase Order, Planned Orders, Production Orders, Stock in Transfer, Stock at Inspection, Stock in Transit, Reserves, Safety Stocks, Sales Orders, Deliveries and also RLT (Replenishment) type has to taken into consideration.
If system calculated positive ATP Qty then system confirm the Qty on Requirement Delivery Date by following Backward Scheduling or otherwise Forward Scheduling. As a delivery schedule system takes material availability date, Loading date, Goods Issue date and Transportation Planning date into consideration.
If system finds Negative QTP Qty then SAP gives 3 options to the user as a Result of Availability Check.
a. Online Delivery
b. Complete Delivery
c. Delivery Proposal.
Date: 30.08.2006
Configuration Settings for TOR:
1. Define Requirement Class: Requirement class specifies whether TOR and Availability check carried out transactions whether requirements are relevant for MRP etc.,
Path: IMG
Sales and Distribution
Basic Functions
Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements
Transfer of Requirements
A. Define Requirement Class: Select 041 Order / Delivery Requirement.
Go to Details icon
Check Availability
Check Transfer of Requirement.
These Requirements are copies to Schedule Line Categories by default. Where we can have fine tuning of Schedule Line Categories with respective TOR and Availability functions. That means depending up on the transaction type. This TOR and Availability Check functions can be de-activated at Schedule Line Category level then system doesnt carryout TOR and Availability Check functions for that particular transactions. Eg: For Sales Activities.
Note: If TOR and Availability functions de-activated at Schedule Line Category level and they doesnt effect requirement class as they are copies from requirement class only.
B. Define Requirements Type: Requirement Type identifies different types of requirements. Eg: Sales Order Requirements or Delivery Requirements or Individual Customer Requirement.
Together with Item Category + MRP Type, Requirement Type can be determine for individual transaction in Sales and Distribution.
Requirement Type is Assign to Requirement Class.
Requirement Type is allocated to single requirement class but requirement class can be assigned to several requirement types. Eg: 041 Requirement Class. Save it and exit.
C. Determination of Requirement Types using Transaction:
To determine Requirement Type system follows a search strategy that is
1. First system checks Strategy Group in the Material Master from MRP3 view or else
2. It will go to MRP group from MRP1 view to find out requirement types or else
3. System tries to determine requirement type by using Material type or else
4. It will go to Item Category + MRP Type (This is S & D Assignment) or else
5. System tries to determine requirement type by using item category only or else
6. System assumes that the transaction is not relevant for TOR and Availability Check.
Item Category + MRP Type = Requirement Type.
TAN + PD = 041
TAN + NIL = 041
TAN + ND = 011 Delivery Requirement
Path: Go to VA01 Overview Screen, Procurement Tab Requirement Type 041.
D. Define Procedure for Each Schedule Line Category: ]
In this step we can determine for respective schedule line categories of Sales Document whether Availability Check and TOR should be carries out or not.
It is only relevant for Sales Document.
It is called find tuning of Availability Check for Sales Documents. That means TOR and Availability Check functions controls can be activated at required class level and they can be de-activated at Schedule Line Categories Level if they are de-activated at requirement class level as they are copied from requirement class level.
Eg: For Sales Activities if the user wants to carry out Availability Check without TOR at Schedule Line Category Level TOD should be de-activated and Availability Check should be activated.
E. Block Qty Confirmation in Delivery Blocks:
Due to Credit Checks if Sales Document is blocked for delivery and while defining schedule line categories if TOR and Availability Check functions are activated then system carries out TOR function and transfer the requirements and reserve the stock. If Sales Document blocked for credit check the reserved stock is going to be block till the Credit Manager takes the decision unless and until the block is removed the blocked stock can not be used by anywhere so that transfer of requirement should be block. In this step we configure the system that system transfers the requirement but stock is not going to be reserve. It can be viewed when save the Sales Order as a confirmed Qty as a Zero.
Once block is removed then system immediately carries out Availability Check and system confirms Qty.
a. Deliveries: Blocking Reason / Criteria
Eg: 01 Credit Limits
Check Confirmation
Check Picking
Check Goods Issue
b. Reason for and Scope of Delivery Blocks: TOR Block:
Eg: 01 Credit Limits
Check Confirmation Block
F. Maintain Requirements of TOR:
With the help of ABAPers Customers Requirements can be written (VOFM) for Transfer of Requirements. Eg: 102 that prevents reservations the event of Credit Blocks.
G. Maintain Requirements for Purchase and Assembly Orders:
Here with the help of ABAPers requirements can be written. Eg: System should not create purchase requisition or Assembly Order if Credit Limit exceeded.
Eg: Requirement Number 102 - Purchase Requisition
105 Assembly.
Configuration setting for Availability Check with ATP Logic or against planning.
a. Define Checking Groups:
c. Checking Groups specifies what kind of requirements system has to generate when the material placed in Sales Order or Delivery. That are individual requirements or summarized requirements.
Path: IMG
Sales and Distribution
Basic Functions
Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements
Availability Check with ATP Logic or Against Planning
Define Checking Groups : Here checking Groups 02 Individual Requirements with total records for Sales Order as a A Single Order.
Total records for deliveries as a A Single Orders with blocking Qty requirement. This control blocks the Material which is only in place during AVT Check. It can be set if multiple users wants to access the material table simultaneously so that the user can have clear view about the Availability of the material.
b. Define Material Block for other user:
This indicator allows the users to process in different Sales Orders at a time, then without blocking the Qty for one Sales Order checking group can be set so that system carries out Availability Check for one Material after another Material.
d. Define Checking Groups Default Value:
f. Depending upon the Material type system by default proposes Checking Group in the Material Master by default. So that depending upon the Material Type system proposes and creates requirements.
Go to New Entries
Specify Material Type FERT, Plant and Checking Group of Availability Check as a 02 Individual Requirements. Save it and Exit.
d. Carry out Control for Availability Check:
Availability Check is going to be controlled by Checking Group + Checking Rule. Here checking group (02) assign to Checking Rule (01) select the combination and go to details icon.
e. Define Procedure by Requirements Class:
Requirement Class 041 checked with Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements.
Note: These settings copies from TOR only.
g. Define Procedure for Each Schedule Line Category:
i. Here find tuning settings for Availability Check at Schedule Line Category level can be configured.
Ex: CP Check Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements.
Note: This configuration settings are copies from TOR configuration settings.
g. Define Procedure for Each Delivery Item Category:
Here Availability Check control define delivery Item Category whether system has to carry out Availability Check or not for Delivery Item.
Choose Item Category TAN and Assign Blank, X or Y.
h. Checking Rule for Updating Back Orders:
When the Document saved with order Qty ZERO then system treats the Order as a back order. Then the back order can be completed by using concept called Re-scheduling. To update the back orders we define Checking Rule at Plant Level. Ex: Choose our Plant and Assign Checking Rule (01) save it and exit.
j. Define Default Settings:
While Carry out Availability Check system determines ATP Qty by following a formula:
ATP Qty = Warehouse Stock + Planned Receipts Planned Issues
If ATP Qty is positive then system confirms the Qty according to required delivery date.
If ATP Qty is Negative the SAP gives 3 options (in a dialog box) to the user to take decision. That are:
1. One Time Delivery:
In One Time Delivery of Order Qty is 100 Units, Required Delivery Date is Current Date then system confirms Qty after 1 week. If the user uses one time delivery then system confirms Qty as a ZERO then it can be completed by using Back Order Processing.
2. Complete Delivery: If the user chooses this option that is 50 items today, remaining 50 items after 1 week then system confirms full Qty after 1 week. So that Order can be delivered after 1 week.
3. Delivery Proposal: The user chooses this option then 50 confirmed and delivered today and remaining 50 can be delivered after 1 week
Choose Sales Area
Check Fixed Date and Qty and Assign Rule for Transferring the Result of the Availability Check. Ex: E Dialog Box in the case of Shortages (Delivery Proposal) save it and exit.
Note: Create one Material and raise the Sales Order without initiating the stock and check the effect.
Check Fixed Date and Qty:
This indicator signifies that the Customer concerned to accept system confirmed order qty date.
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