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Assign multiple Sales Employee to a Business Partner, Sales Order, AR Invoice, etc.?



I have SAP B1 V10 SQL.

We have almost a hundred sales people with some Client Business Partners being assigned multiple Sales Employees.  These sales employees receive commissions.  We also have some employees who are 'servicing' the site but do not receive commissions.

My question(s):

  1. is there any way to tag multiple (2, 3, 4, or even 5) sales person to a BP, SO, AR Invoice, etc.?  (for commissions purposes)
  2. is there any way to duplicate that Sales Employee box (and its multiple tagging ability) and label the new box "Servicing Employee".  This way we can identify who is/are responsible for servicing the site but do not receive commissions.  (there is also a 'Technicians' field, but that is limited to one value, and does not directly draw off of the same list as Sales Employee)

I've seen other postings on this forum suggesting creating a second commissions box to handle two sales employees who receive commissions. But this solution would not work for us for the reasons below:

  • Each box is still limited to one value/Sales Employee & we could have up to five sales employees. per business partner.
  • If we had the two box types (multiple boxes for each of sales employees + service employees), it would be significantly more complex.
  • searching in SAP would be too cumbersome if there were too many boxes to search

So, that's my challenge and I'm hoping some experts can help.


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I was looking into your case and I think you could use the option of "Referenced Document" and within that, use the option of "External Documents." You can then use a formatted search in the "Document Number" field; this formatted search will bring in the sales person's code. In the comments field, you can put either the sales person's name or the type of salesperson (Sales Person, Service, Technician).

From there, you could generate a report by invoice of the people involved in the process.

If you have any questions, write to me and we can look into it specifically. I did an exercise in my database and it worked for me.


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Best regards,
