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Archiving Object MM_EKKO-MM_EBAN-MM-MATBEL- Display archived/deleted doc

Former Member
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Hello all,

I need your help to understand if in Release 4,6C following archived and deleted documents should be displayed through Standard Transaction. Currently my system doesn't allow me to do that.

Purchase Order, Contract, RFQ, --> ME23N

Purchase Requisition --> ME53N

Material Document --> MB03

With reference to this document which report should take care of archived documents? (f.i. ME2M; ME2L - show only PO still in the system)

Thank you very much for your collaboration.



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Active Contributor
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yes, it is possible in 46c.

But you have to build indexes(infostructures).

go to SARI transaction. Click status and create the infostructure.

If the structure is not given by SAP then you need to customize it first.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thank you Jurgen,

could you explain me how infostructure should be used? i mean, activating it means fill space again or not?

According to your experience do customers usually have infostructure always active or do they activate it for special purpose?

Thank you in advance.


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If people need to look/work with archived data, then you need the infostructures, except you use the archive add-ons from PBS ( ) which allow you do see archive data by using the well-known SAP transactions, without the need of space-consuming SAP infostructures.

I try my best to avoid infostructures, means I archive data that is no needed for business, not needed to be looked up often. (developing infostructure or even programs to analyse data that was archived early is more expensiv than the costs of the disk space, at least in our branch)

But if an infostructure is given by SAP, then you can activate (fill it) or deactivate (delete content) within a few seconds with tiny effort. So I do it in rare cases if somebody needs to see archived data.

Former Member
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If your documents are archived you cannot see them in any report or any table. Use SARA t-code to display them with related object.
