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After GR to cost center the stock has been increased

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Hello Experts,

please advise here:

we did GR in MIGO (for cost center, MvT 101 GR to PO). In Po this item has account assignment "K" - Cost center.
But after GR stock was increased (check in MMBE). I also see posting to cost center in Tcode KSB1. It seems the system do a double posting – to cost center (consumption) and to storage. Why has the stock increased? As I thought before:

"If you create PO with account assignment Cost Center and you do GR for this PO, it will not increase the current stock, It means you procure the material for consumption not keep in stock."

My analysis:
1) the material has type "DIEN" - Service. In the transaction OMS2 (info for material types) I see that "DIEN" maintained only for "Qty update" and not for "value update". Is this the reason for stock increased although we use account assignment "K" in PO?

2) I have checked this material in MM60. It is displayed as "Non-valuated" (material is displayed only when the checkbox "Valuated material only display" is disabled). In MM03 material had cost center tab, but no accounting tab. Maybe this also somehow affects?

I would be glad to any advice or suggestion. THANK YOU in advance!

I do not know what is the reason for this system behavior =(


Active Contributor

Could you add screen copy of MMBE and FI document related to GR.

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Why are you using M-Type: DIEN for the Material Procurement??? It's for the service Procurement.

Are you working on IDES or something else???

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Hi Rajesh,

we need to order this particular Service-material. The problem is that the material type is DIEN, right?

How to order DIEN-Material correctly for the cost center? THANK you in advance for any info!
