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Adding standard CDS view as Value Help for Custom Business Object fields


Hi ,

Referring to blog Adding a Value Help for Custom Business Object fields | SAP Blogs

  1. created custom business object and checkmarked Can Be Associated
  2. created custom CDS view of scenario value help with custom business object as primary data source .
  3. Added standard CDS view as associated data source .

we are not able to see any data in CDS preview . could you please help.



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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Phani,

As Jerry stated as well, this is really hard to tell without being in the system. What I would do is:

  1. Test if and which data is shown when you preview YY1_TESTVALUEHELP (if the primary data source does not have data, the VH will not deliver data even if the associated data source does have data). Especially check what values are shown in the field KNTTP (as it is used in the join condition).
  2. Preview I_AcctAssignmencCategoryText and especially check the values of the field AccountAssignmentCategory.
  3. Check if there is a warning or error message that occurs when the preview fails, or is it just "no data"?

Additionally, but probably not related to the "no data" issue:

  1. You did not specify a language in your association condition. You probably want to add it.
  2. Check if you wanted to use the "not equal" operator in the join condition on purpose.

Best Regards,

Answers (5)

Answers (5)

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Did you manage to solve the problem? I'm going through a similar situation. Can you share?

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Does anyone has solution to this problem? We are also facing the same issue while adding the standard value help in a CBO with the help of custom CDS app value help scenario.

So we have 1 CBO table and UI app generated on top of it. then in order to add value help we created 1 more CBO which we are using as primary data source in the value help scenario of Custom CDS app and using i_plant as associated data source as mentioned on the sap help page. I can now attach the value help to the main CBO with the help association to business object but it is not fetching the plant data.

Main reason can be since the CBO associated is primary data source and it does not contain any data but SAP has mentioned to use it as a primary data source as per below page.

We are using 0:* association with same key fields, tried adding UUID as a key field too but it does not work. Please let me know if anyone has solution to this issue.

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Did you find a solution?
Currently facing the sam 😕


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Not found Solution

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Meanwhile I was able to get it running.
Unfortunaltey there is one issue outstanding:
If I select the value of the search help it is not assigned to the field in the ui.
It seems that the assignment is not correct as the search help values are coming from a different datasource and thus don't have the same key as the custom business object which is assigned as the associated datasource.
Does anyone else has this issue?


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I have exactly the same problem. Seems that despite explained in blog, is it not possible to have our value help coming from CDS view and not from a CBO which has no values or dummy values.

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below is the log screen shot

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Phani

Hard to tell without seeing the definitions - but looks like you have a warning on the UUID key -

As i understand, the system is not able to match the key fields across the two views so it can't return any data. So yo need to correct the key field definitions.

I would also double check the first warning on the association, if you have it one to many or one to one. (may not be an issue)

Thank you


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

HI Phani,

Did you already click the Check button and satisfy any identified issues?

Preview is not available until the view is checked for issues.

Thank you