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add attachment to expense item in pr05?

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I am trying to add ability for employees to add an attachment to an expense type in pr05.

I can easily add an attachment to the header by clicking on Services for Object and select Create /  Create attachment.

is it possible to add attachment at an expense type level?

if so, how is this possible. any help would be greatly appreciated.



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It is relatively new functionality because you'll need to be on EHP6 or higher and have activated business function FIN_TRAVEL_4, see details at this link:

Travel Management 4 - Financial Accounting (FI) - SAP Library

If you have activated FIN_TRAVEL_4 then check the link below for specific information on how to activate the option to add attachments to individual receipts:

Transfer of Attachments to Receipts - Travel Expenses - SAP Library

Hope this helps,
