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Account Postings in case Subscontarcting and Stock Transport Order.

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Hi All,

Please help in understanding what account keys(G/L Accounts ) will be hit in the follwoing scenerios:

1. Standard Subscontarcting Process during GR.

2. Stock Transport Order , Delivery Type NL

Movement Type , 641 and 101.

3. Stock Transport Order , Delivery Type NLCC

Movement Type , 643 and 101.

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1. Standard Subscontarcting Process during GR:

If You are giving Components A & B to the SC-Vendor....and Getting back the Finished Product "C" from the SC-Vendor....

Now during GR...If you have activated Price Diff. account for SC Materials for your Plant in OLMB -

> GR -

> Activate Price Diff. Acc. for SC Material for your Plant....then foll. posting lines will be created..

Stock Acc. of F/G Product "C".... .. BSX Debited

GR/IR Clearing Acc. ....... WRX Credited

SC-Vendor service Charges(offset with GR/IR Clearing Acc. value) ......... FRL Debited

Stock Acc.of Components A & B..........BSX Credited

Consumption Account of Comp. A&B(offset with stock account of components).....GBB-VBO Debited(+)

Change in Stock acc.of F/G Product "C".....BSV Credited(-)

Price Diff Acc......................................PRD As per situation

2. Stock Transport Order , Delivery Type NL

Movement Type , 641 and 101:

At Supplying Plant( During movement type:641)

Stock Account of Supp.Plant.....BSX Credited

Stock Acc. ofb Rec. Plant ........BSX Debited

If you maintain Std. Price for the material at Receiving Plant and if there is any Price difference...then Price Diff.Acc. will be ....GL account mainatined in AUM

At receiving Plant( for M.type:101) there will not be any acc.documents generated...

3. Stock Transport Order , Delivery Type NLCC

Movement Type , 643 and 101.

At Supplying Plant(M.Type:643):

Stock Acc(At materials price of supplying plant).......................................BSX Credited(-)

Cost of Goods Sold Acc...................GBB-VAX debited(+)

At Receiving plant( M.Type:101):

Stock Acc(At materials price of recieving plant).......................................BSX Debited

GR/IR Clearing Acc..........................WRX Credited(-)

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1. Standard Subscontarcting Process during GR:

For eg) You are giving Components A & B to the SC-Vendor....and Getting back the Finished Product "C" from the SC-Vendor....

Now during GR...If you have activated Price Diff. account for SC Materials for your Plant in OLMB -

> GR -

> Activate Price Diff. Acc. for SC Material for your Plant....then foll. posting lines will be created..

Stock Acc. of F/G Product "C".... .. BSX Debited

GR/IR Clearing Acc. ....... WRX Credited

SC-Vendor service Charges ......... FRL Debited

Stock Acc.of Components A & B..........BSX Credited

Change in Stock Acc. of Comp. A&B....GBB-VBO Debited(+)

Change in Stock acc.of F/G Product "C".....BSV Credited(-)

Price Diff Acc......................................PRD As per situation

2. Stock Transport Order , Delivery Type NL

Movement Type , 641 and 101:

At Supplying Plant( During movement type:641)

Stock Account of Supp.Plant.....BSX Credited

Stock Acc. ofb Rec. Plant ........BSX Debited

If you maintain Std. Price for the material at Receiving Plant and if there is any Price difference...then Price Diff.Acc. will be AUM....

At receiving Plant( for M.type:101) there will not be any acc.documents gennerated...

3. Stock Transport Order , Delivery Type NLCC

Movement Type , 643 and 101.

At Supplying Plant(M.Type:643):

Stock Acc.......................................BSX Credited(-)

Cost of Goods Sold Acc...................VAX debited(+)

At Receiving plant( M.Type:101):

Stock Acc.......................................BSX Debited

GR/IR Clearing Acc..........................WRX Credited(-)

Reward if useful



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1. Standard Subscontarcting Process during GR, the following Accounts generated;

FG Stock/ SC By-Product Stock: DR

Change in Stock (FG/ SC By-Product): CR

(for finished goods received)

Subcontracting Charges: DR

GR/IR Clearing: CR

(for moneys payable to Subcontractor)

Consumption (Components): DR,

Change in Stock (FG/ SC By-Product): CR

(Material provided to Vendor is now charged to expense)

The business keys related are as follow:

FG BSX acc. Debit Acc.

GR/IR Cle.acc. WRX acc. Credit Acc.

FRL Acc. Debit Acc.

BSV acc. Credit Acc.

BSX acc. of components Credit Acc.

GBB - VBO Acc. Debit acc.

If price difference, PRD acc. Is Some time Credit &

Some time Debit

Hope helpful.


Biju K