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Acceder a notas SAP

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Buenas tardes a todos.

Por favor no logro encontrar el acceso a las notas sap, estoy realizando el Upgrade de la version 2007A que tenemos a 8.82 (en pruebas aun) me aparece un mensaje tio aviso (no error) que tiene que ver con los camosd e usuario y me remite a una nota SAP pero no puedo encontrarla.

Pido su ayuda en esto.


La nota es: 1645439


Angel Uribe

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Hola Angel,

1645439  - Upgrade fails: String or binary data would be truncated    
Version   2   Validity: 08.02.2012 - active
Language   English 

Content:      Summary    |    Header Data    |    References    |    Validity 



Upgrade to SAP Business One 8.81 patch 10 or later can fail with following error raised by SQL Server (can be found in upgrade log file):

[SQL Server]String or binary data would be truncated.

This can be caused by incorrect definition of length limit for User-Defined Field (UDF), when string stored in database contains more characters then allowed by length limit. In such case, string length limit for the affected UDF needs to be increased.

Following SQL query will help you to detect such UDFs. Please note that the query execution can take from minutes to several hours depending on number of UDFs in your database:


                  declare @TableID nvarchar(20);

                  declare @AliasId nvarchar(18);

                  declare @EditSize smallint;

                  declare @RealSize smallint;

                  declare @statement nvarchar(max);

                  declare @params nvarchar(max);

                  declare alfa_udfs cursor for

                  select TableID, AliasID, EditSize from cufd where TypeID = 'A';

                  open alfa_udfs;

                  FETCH NEXT FROM alfa_udfs

                  INTO @TableID, @AliasId, @EditSize;

                  WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


                        IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.tables WHERE name = @TableId)


                              set @RealSize = 0

                              set @params = '@RealSizeOut smallint output';

                              set @statement = 'select @RealSizeOut = max(len(U_' + @AliasID + ')) from [' + @TableId + '] where U_' + @AliasID +' is not null';

                              EXECUTE sp_executesql @statement, @params, @RealSizeOut = @RealSize OUTPUT;

                              if @RealSize is not null


                                    if @EditSize < @RealSize


                                          select @TableID As TableName, 'U_' + @AliasId As UDFName, @RealSize As RealSize, @EditSize As DefinedSize




                        FETCH NEXT FROM alfa_udfs

                        INTO @TableID, @AliasId, @EditSize;


                  CLOSE alfa_udfs;

                  DEALLOCATE alfa_udfs;



Results will contain a table, showing the list of UDFs affected by this issue. If there is no result, you are not affected by this issue.

Column TabeName shows table, which contains the UDF.

Column UDFName shows the name of affected UDF.

Column RealSize shows the length of longest string stored in UDF.

Column DefinedSize shows length limit from UDF definition.






Extend the UDF field length limit in SAP Business One.

1. Go to Tools -> Customization Tools -> User-Defined Fields - Management

2. Search for a UDF with Title as UDFName from query results (without 'U_')

3. Select the UDF and click 'Update'

4. Edit the Length value, set it to RealSize from query results

5. Update the UDF definition

Once you do this for all UDFs from results, please try to run upgrade again.


Other terms




Header Data

Released on 08.02.2012 16:11:19   
Release status Released for Customer   
Component SBO-BC-UPG Upgrade   
Priority   Recommendations/additional info   
Category   Consulting   




This document refers to:

  CSS SAP Notes

1627224 Adding more UDF fields to OUSR causes shut down on logon
1357462 Upgrade Wizard Precheck: Collective note for all check items

This document is referenced by:

   SAP Business One Notes 

  1686964   Upgrade Wizard Pre Check: Structure of User-Defined Fields has been modified










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Gracias por el apoyo Alessandro.

Para el foro:

cuando se inicia el proceso de upgrade es importantisimo que se tenga a mano esta consulta, ayuda a mantener la integridad de la base de datos y no se pierde la garantia de SAP.

En mi caso encontro que un campo de usuario era mas largo de lo declarado, la sugerencia de la nota dice que se ubique el campo en cuestion y se amplie su tamaño o que se elimine, como es necesario para mi lo amplie y listo.

Nose si en otros casos ha ocurrido pero aunque la nota dice que confirmando la advertencia el campo con problemas sera saltado pero yo tuve que arreglar primero el inconveniente, hacer un nuevo backup de mi base de produccion y reiniciar el proceso de upgrade.

Una vez mas gracias


P.D. como puedo cerrar el tema?

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