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AAC in Purchase Requisition

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Hi All,

We are facing one issue, while creating Purchase Requisition.

We are creating Material Requisition, while creating the same system prompts for Account assignment Category for every Material irrespective of Material type we are using. This one is a error message so it becomes Mandatory to enter account assignment category every time we create a PR.

The Message is :

Account assignment mandatory for material XXXXX (enter acc. ass. cat.)

Message details:

Account assignment mandatory for material XXXXX (enter acc. ass. cat.)

Message no. ME062


There is no provision for value-based inventory management for this material type in this plant. Account assignment is thus necessary.


Please enter an account assignment category.

1.) I checked settings like "Define Attributes of System Messages" in SPRO>Materials Management>Purchasing>Enviornment>Define Attributes of System Messages.

But this message is not active. Still we are getting this message.

Is there something i am missing, which is needed to be checked.

thanks & regards,

Prashant Rathore.

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Please check the following setting in SPRO:

SPRO> Logistics General> Material Master> Basic Setting> Material Types> Define attributes of material Type

You probably have a new plant and this cusotmizing was not extended for this new plant

Former Member
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Hi Jurgen,

This is not the case. Also this is appearing in all cases irrespective of Plants and Material Types.


Prashant Rathore.

0 Kudos

Good morning Jurgen that is exactly my case how do i proceed