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3244147 - How to retrieve the classification data from a batch?

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Hi experts

I have a question to this note:

Multiple CDS views can be associated in order to retrieve the classification data from a batch.
I_BATCHDISTINCT can be used to retrieve the Object No.  With the Object No. I_CLFNOBJECTCHARCVALFORKEYDATE can be used to retrieve the Characteristic Internal ID, Char. Value.
Then I_CLFNCHARCDESCFORKEYDATE can be used to get the characteristic description and  I_CLFNCHARCVALUEFORKEYDATE , I_CLFNCHARCVALUEDESCFORKEYDATE can be used to get the value description. 

In S4H Public cloud I tried to create a custom CDS view with scenario "Data Extraction" - the mentioned views would be associated to  I_BATCHDISTINCT . But I am getting the error message:

Selected associated Data Source: I_ClfnObjectCharcValForKeyDate must belong to the same bussiness area as Primary Data Source

How can I get these views into one view? I need them to extract to BW4H later on.

Attached please find two screens...

Thanks for your help, tom

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Hi Tom,

Pass batch number to I_BATCHDISTINCT  and get "clfObjectInternalID" . Use I_BatchDistinct  & "I_ClfnObjectCharcValForKeyDate" with join on "ClfnObjectInternalID" and you will get Characteristic ...You can apply filter on the "CharcInternalID" to get exact characteristic value.

Hope, this will resolve your problem.



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Thanks Prashant, how can I do a "join" in the S4H public cloud under "Custom CDS Views"? With associations I see only the cardinality settings. Where do you maintain the join type settings? That you help a lot. Please advise...
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Hi Prashant, I have attached two pics at the top of this message. Are the settings between I_CLFNOBJECTCHARCVALFORKEYDATE and I_BATCHDISTINCT for the first association and between I_CLFNOBJECTCHARCVALFORKEYDATE and I_CLFNCHARCDESCFORKEYDATE for the second correct? For the latter one please check pic CDS3. Thank you!
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Hi there, what do you think about my development attached to this chat? See above...thank you.