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When you want to define a control recipe destination with type 2 or 3, the address field in O10C for the control recipe destination means the RFC destination of the external system, you may find all the RFC destination definition in SM59, for PP-PI process, you should define TCP/IP RFC destination that to be used in control recipe destionation.

However, if you fill in the address NONE, then what's the meaning?

It means the same system and the same client.

NONE is an ABAP keyword, if you want to call a remote function which should be executed in the native system, you should call them as


this is the same here in the address field.

So if you define a control recipe destination with type 2 and with address NONE, then when the control recipe is generated in CO53 and you send it, it will create a copy in the same system again and again.

Therefore, choose the correct address when you want to use destination type 2 or 3.

For more details about the process management customizing in PP-PI, you may refer to the following Wiki page:

Configuration Of Customizing: https://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/x/EQrOFw