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If you manage inventory you know how complicated it is. Now, lets look at items for which you define unit of measures. There are endless combinations of numbers, sizes, and packaging and then there are the dependencies – for example, small box contains 10 single items, medium box contains three small boxes, and traveler pack contains four single items.

The pricing usually reflects the units of measures, and many times derived from the price of the basic unit. But what happens to the prices when changing the conversion rules of the unit of measures? If the small box mentioned above, would contain from now on only six single items and not 10, will the price be reduced in 40% ? well, SAP Business One allows you to choose the answer to this question:

You can choose whether to remove the UoM prices, update the UoM prices accordingly (selected by default), keep corresponding UoM prices unchanged, or keep all UoM process unchanged.

Available in SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA and SAP Business One. This tip and all the other tips are available on the Tip of the week community page. You can also visit the Implementation Arena for useful implementation tips.