When you set Price Control Category to 5 in Info Record, and it is copied to Purchase Order. With reference to
this Purchase Order, you posted Goods Receipt. Now you would like to post Invoice, but what is the price in
T-code MIRO? Is it always as per GR date?
Sometimes, you may find the answer is "No".
Why? Doesn't Price Control Category work?
Actually, if you want to use the price as per GR date in T-code MIRO, there are three preconditions need to be
1. 'GR_Based_IV' flag is set.
2. Price Control Category (EKPO-MEPRF) is set to 5.
3. no manual change occurs on PO net price
If you have changed the PO net price manually, system will change the price control category from 5 to 4 automatically.
Then in MIRO, it will use the PO net price instead.
If the customizings above are all correct, but still you found the price in MIRO is taken from PO net price, you may
want to check if Note 1789193 is missing from your system.
Also there is more useful information in SAP Online Help.