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You are starting an SAP S/4HANA Cloud project or are in the middle of one and are wondering:

  • When should I test?

  • What needs to be tested?

  • How does SAP help me with this?

If these are some of the questions that you ask yourself, I might have some answers for you in my series of blogs about testing. For those of you who are really new to the topic, I´ll start with a high level overview.

When do I need to test?

Running any software project involves some software testing. This is also valid for cloud software projects. There are 3 major testing cycles in the cloud:

  1. Testing during the implementation to check if a configured process (or step) runs with the desired behavior, depending on the master data entry, configuration, or extensions that have been done.

  2. End user acceptance testing to check if the configured business processes are ready for productive usage. This might be needed after the initial implementation or after scope changes in an existing implementation.

  3. Regression testing after every system change (upgrades or configuration changes) to ensure that the existing business processes are still up and running.

What needs to be tested?

First of all, the relevant business processes need to be tested. Additionally, each customer might also define other critical parameters, like accessibility, performance, load performance, and so on, that he wants to test.

This is typically defined in a test strategy document. You can find what else might be included in a test strategy described in the “Create test strategy” task in SAP Roadmap Viewer. This task also includes a test strategy template (template is available for customers).

The test plan includes the exact test cases and the test schedule. You can find more details in the task “Create & schedule test plan” in SAP Roadmap Viewer.

How does SAP help me with testing?

First, it´s important to know that SAP performs thorough internal testing on several levels before releasing the software to customers – every quarter.

To ease customer testing activities in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, SAP delivers not only detailed test scripts for each business process, but it also provides the test automation tool for SAP S/4HANA Cloud as an integral part of SAP S/4HANA Cloud. The test automation tool delivers pre-scripted test processes (test automats) for most of the business processes in SAP S/4HANA Cloud and is intended to be used by people even if they don’t have any developer skills.

For each business process, test scripts can be found in SAP Best Practices Explorer in the details section of every business process page. These can be used for manual testing in all testing cycles.

The test automats that are available can be found in the “Manage your test processes” app within the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system, or in the test automation tool SAP JAM group. You can request access to this group via mail to: saps4hanacloudtesttool@sap.com.


I hope I could help to give you some overview on testing in the cloud. Please leave your comments about which other topics around testing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud would be of interest to you.