SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management solution is the solution with capabilities of the revenue management and recurring billing used to monetize subscription and usage-based business models, extensively used by customers around the world at Cloud. Considering the variant customer-owned-system and variant scenario can be seamlessly integrate with SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management solution at SAP S/4HANA Cloud. SAP offers a wide range of APIs to enable the data replication / scenario extension between SAP System & SAP System and SAP System & Non-SAP System.
In this blog post, it will demonstrate the way on how to consume the communication arrangement inbound service of SAP S/4HANA Cloud by invoking the SOAP API through SoapUI to create Billable Item and Provider Contract.
Before we start to consume the SAP SOAP API, please make sure the communication user, the communication system and Communication Arrangement are well configured. You may follow the blog post
https://blogs.sap.com/2017/11/09/setting-up-communication-management-in-sap-s4hana-cloud/ to make it step by step. In our case, the communication scenario of SAP_COM_0165 and SAP_COM_0167 are used.
SAP API Business HUB
http://api.sap.com is the place for API storage. You can search out the details of the SOAP API you want to consume.
1. Launch the SAP API Business HUB from
2. Search SOAP API of Billable Item
3. Click the link
Convergent Invoicing Billable Items - Create - Request (Single) to retrieve the details of the SOAP API
Similarly enter SAP_COM_0167 as the search keyword, and you can locate the SOAP API of Provider Contract - Manage
Billable Item Creation
1. Login the SAP S/4HANA Cloud as Administrator and open the communization arrangement of communication scenario SAP_COM_0165 to download the WSDL file of SOAP API
Convergent Invoicing Billable Items - Create - Request (Single)
2. Create Project based on the WSDL file at SoapUI
3. Maintain the authorization and security related configuration based on the communication user of SAP_COM_0165.
4. Maintain the message id to consume asynchronous processing
5. Maintain the value as below to simulate the SOAP API
Elements |
Description |
Sample Value |
Comments |
CABllbleItmSourceTransType |
Source Transaction Type |
01 External Assignment of Source Transaction ID
02 Internal Assignment of Source Transaction ID |
If fill 01, the source transaction id will be automatically assigned by system. |
CABllbleItmSourceTransId |
Source Transaction ID |
Eg: 56789 |
CABllbleItmClass |
Billable Item Class |
0SAP |
CABillgSubprocess |
Subprocess of Billing |
Eg: Y001 |
BusinessPartner |
Business Partner Number for Billing and Invoicing |
Business Partner Number |
Please refer to Test Script 2AR Contract Accounting - Master Data and Basic Functions for more details |
ContractAccount |
Contract Account Number for Billing and Invoicing |
Contract Account Number |
Please refer to Test Script 2AR Contract Accounting - Master Data and Basic Functions for more details |
CABllbleItmAmount |
Amount of Billable Item |
currencyCode: EUR
CABllbleItmAmount: 12
Provider Contract Creation
1. Login the SAP S/4HANA Cloud as Administrator and open the communization arrangement of communication scenario SAP_COM_0167 to download the WSDL file of SOAP API Provider Contract - Manage
2. Open your tool for API testing, e.g. SoapUI and import the WSDL file and create a new project.
3. Maintain the authorization and security related configuration based on the communication user of communication arrangement for SAP_COM_0167
4. Fill the values in the editor. Below are some explanations of the elements and sample values.
Element |
Description |
Sample Value |
Comment |
CreationDateTime |
the date and time for the provider contract creation |
2019-12-03T02:53:45Z |
Element |
Description |
Sample Value |
Comment |
SenderTechnicalID |
the technical id for the API sender |
SenderOne |
Element |
Element |
Description |
Sample Value |
Comment |
Identification |
InternalID |
the provider contract id. The number range is defined in S/4 system. |
API1575341697069 |
Should be unique in the system. |
BusinessPartner |
InternalID |
the business partner used in the provider contract which should be available in S/4 before API testing |
BP_DE_T1 |
CAProviderContractName |
the name of the provider contract |
Basic Provider Contract |
CAPrvdrContrStartDateTime |
the start date and time for the provider contract |
2018-01-01T00:00:00Z |
timeZoneCode needs to be filled, e.g. UTC |
CAPrvdrContrEndDateTime |
the end date and time for the provider contract |
9999-12-31T00:00:00Z |
timeZoneCode needs to be filled, e.g. UTC |
CAPrvdrContrActivationDateTime |
the activation date and time for the provider contract, usually the same as the start date |
2018-01-01T00:00:00Z |
timeZoneCode needs to be filled, e.g. UTC |
CAPrvdrContrChangedDateTime |
the changed date and time for the provider contract, usually used in Provider Contract change process |
2018-01-01T00:00:00Z |
timeZoneCode needs to be filled, e.g. UTC |
IsMarkedForDeletion |
the flag for deletion, 1 means deleted |
0 |
Element |
Element |
Description |
Sample Value |
Comment |
CAProviderContractItemUUID |
a 32-bit hexadecimal number (UUID) for the provider contract item which should be unique |
A3BB2221288D4FFCB9C29F2DF541095D |
CAPrvdrContrItmValidToDateTime |
the valid-to date and time for the provider contract item |
9999-12-31T00:00:00Z |
timeZoneCode needs to be filled, e.g. UTC |
CAProviderContractItemText |
a description text for the provider contract item |
provider contract demo |
CAPrvdrContrItmChangeReason |
the reason for provider contract item change, not used for the creation step. |
Empty for the provider contract creation |
SalesOrganisation |
the sales organization used in the provider contract |
1010 |
The value should be available in S/4. |
DistributionChannelCode |
the distribution channel used in the provider contract |
10 |
The value should be available in S/4. |
Product |
the provider used in the provider contract item |
CBPTS001 |
The value should be available in S/4. |
CABillgCycle |
the billing cycle to determine the billing date for the items in steps afterwards |
Y001 |
The value should be available in S/4. |
ServiceRecipient |
InternalID |
the partner who receives the goods, works or services specified in the provider contract |
BP_DE_T1 |
ContractAccount |
InternalID |
the contract account id |
CA_DE_T1 |
The value should be available in S/4. |
Elements for Revenue Accounting Integration
Below elements are mandatory if Revenue accounting integration is activated.
Element |
Description |
Sample Value |
Comment |
RevenueAccountingRefType |
the reference type for Revenue Accounting |
PO |
Provider Order |
RevenueAccountingReference |
the reference ID for Revenue Accounting |
API1575341697069 |
The same as the provider contract id |
StandAloneSellingPrice |
the standalone selling price for each recurring period |
200 |
currencyCode needs to be filled, e.g. EUR |
TransactionPrice |
the transaction price for each recurring period |
100 |
currencyCode needs to be filled, e.g. EUR |
TransacPriceRcrrcPerdTimeUnit |
the time unit for the recurring period of the transaction price |
TransacPriceRcrrcPerdDuration |
the duration of each recurring period for the transaction price |
1 |
SSPriceRecurrencePerdTimeUnit |
the time unit for the recurring period of the standalone selling price |
SSPriceRecurrencePerdDuration |
the duration of each recurring period for the standalone selling price |
1 |
EndOfDurationDateTime |
the end date of the recurring period |
2020-12-31T00:00:00Z |
timeZoneCode needs to be filled, e.g. UTC |
Optional: Elements for Billing Plan
These elements are optional. They are only used if billing plan is needed in the provider contract.
Element |
Description |
Sample Value |
Comment |
CABillgPlnExtRef |
the external reference text of the billing plan assigned to current provider contract |
BIP01 |
CABillgPlnType |
the billing plan type, need to be checked in S/4 |
SPL01 |
CABillgPlnDescription |
the description text for the billing plan |
API test |
Element |
Description |
Sample Value |
Comment |
CABillgPlnItmType |
the billing plan item type, need to be checked in S/4 |
The value should be available in S/4. |
CABillgPlnItmTxt |
the description text for the billing plan item |
Recurring Item |
CABillgPlnItemExtRef |
the external reference text of the billing plan item |
1 |
CABillgPlnItemAmount |
the amount to be billed for the billing plan item |
30 |
currencyCode needs to be filled, e.g. EUR |
IsTaxIncluded |
the flag whether tax is already included in the amount |
0 |
CATaxDeterminationCode |
the tax determination code, need to be checked in S/4 |
TaxCode |
the tax code, need to be checked in S/4 |
A1 |
The value should be available in S/4. |
CompanyCode |
the company code, need to be checked in S/4 |
1010 |
The value should be available in S/4. |
Segment |
the segment, need to be checked in S/4 |
1000_A |
The value should be available in S/4. |
CAMainTransaction |
the main transaction for the item to be billed |
Y600 |
The value should be available in S/4. |
CASubTransaction |
the subtransaction for the item to be billed |
0020 |
The value should be available in S/4. |
CAAccountDeterminationCode |
the account determination code |
01 |
CABillgPlnItemServiceType |
the service type for the billing plan item |
The value should be available in S/4. |
Optional: Elements for configurable products
These elements are optional. They are only used if the product used is a configurable product.
Element |
Description |
Sample Value |
Comment |
Configuration |
the id for the product configuration header |
000001 |
ConfigurationRootInstance |
the id for the configuration root instance |
00000001 |
Element |
Description |
Sample Value |
Comment |
Configuration |
the id for the product configuration header |
000001 |
Fill the identical value as the Configuration in ProductConfigurationHeader. |
ConfigurationInstance |
the id for the configuration instance |
00000001 |
ClassType |
the class type for the configuration product, can be found in material master |
300 |
The value should be available in S/4. |
Product |
the material number for the product |
CBPTS001 |
The value should be available in S/4. |
ProductQuantity |
the quantity of the product |
1 |
Element |
Description |
Sample Value |
Comment |
Configuration |
the id for the product configuration header |
000001 |
Fill the identical value as the Configuration in ProductConfigurationHeader and ProductConfigurationInstance |
ConfigurationInstance |
the id for configuration instance |
00000001 |
Fill the identical value as the ConfigurationInstance in ProductConfigurationInstance |
Now the Billable Item and Provider Contract can be created successfully through SOAP API Convergent Invoicing Billable Items - Create - Request (Single) and Provider Contract - Manage.