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Authors: yatsea.li, jacobtan

During Apr 15 2019~Jun 15 2019, we have just complete our first sprint of  SME SEEDx Code Camp APJ - building a chatbot. This blog summarise the activities and outcome of this first sprint.

Recording of presentation about How to build a bot with SAP Conversational AI

Here you have the overview presentation recording about how to build a chatbot SAP Conversational AI in the DevUnit Call.

Referred Build block of Hackathon -  Chatbot

After the presentation, we have conduct a poll about how confident are you to create a chatbot after the session. 93 % of participants respond as confident or extremely confident.

The competition specification

The competition is to create a chatbot to address the inquiry about sales opportunities.

  1. For the opportunities analysis questions
    “What are the top 5 sales opportunities”,
    "Show me the opportunities for this quarter"The reply result should include:
    the oppr id, customer, weighted amount, potential amount, closing percentage, stage etc.
    For example:
    #100(90%) / 90000 INR (//weighted amount)
    C20000-Norm Thomposon
    100000 INR (//total amount)
    Final Negotiation

  2. Connect to a channel, such as Messenger, WhatsApp, Line, Slack etc. the demo video should show the bot with the channel instead of debug.


The submissions and winners

5 teams out of 9 has completed the competition on time.

Submitted Source Code: https://github.com/SEEDx-Catalyst/Code-Camp/tree/master/sprint-01-chatbot

Summary Video:

Top 3 Submissions:

Team 09 Team 12 Team 15

Anbarasu D,

Avaniko Technologies Private Limited

Gokul Kosalram,

eNoah iSolution India Pvt Ltd

Sukanya Kabira,

VC ERP Consulting Pvt Ltd

Poshitha Randimal Malagala,

Pristine Solutions (Pvt) Ltd

Kevin Rotairo,


Sinoj C George,

SABRE Information Services Pte Ltd

Danilo II Veroy,

Direc Business Technologies Inc.

Jeramay Balais,

Service 101 Plus Consulting Inc
PT. SterlingTulus Cemerlang

Mohammad Risnawan Budianto,
PT. Sterling Tulus Cemerlang

PT Sterling Tulus Cemerlang
Intents: Opportunity inquiry
Channel: None

Intents: Opportunity, customer and item inquiry
Channel: Slack

Intents: AR, Sales
Channel: Google Assistant

Download, Deploy & Run from Github Repository Download, Deploy & Run from Github Repository Download, Deploy & Run from Github Repository

Final Winner:

And the final winner goes to Team 12, congratulation to the following partners

Kevin Rotairo from Appcentric

Sinoj C George from SABRE Information Services Pte Ltd

Danilo II Veroy from Direc Business Technologies Inc

Jeramay Balais from Service 101 Plus Consulting Inc

Winning reasons:

  1. Complete accomplishment as competition requirement, connecting to live SAP Business One, and bot on Slack.

  2. In addition, team 12 also address the additional inquiries which make a comprehensive presales assistant bot.

    • "What are my top 5 items" by replying item, in-stock quantity, price etc.

    • "Top 5 customers" by replying the customer name, balance