In this blog, I describe the shipment scheduling for those use cases for which the shipping duration is dependent on shipping conditions.
Sales representatives or warehouse managers typically want to influence the shipment scheduling dependent on certain shipping conditions: For example, an express delivery should have a shorter shipping duration than the standard delivery. Another example is the pickup: the customer sends a carrier to picks up the goods and therefore, there is no shipment duration t be considered.
With the newly introduced shipping conditions, you can now maintain the shipping duration dependent on shipping conditions in the transport lane. Additionally to the 2 pre-defined shipping conditions 'express' and 'pickup', you can define more shipping conditions in Business Configuration fine-tuning if needed.
Using the shipping condition in the sales order or
stock transfer order, the corresponding shipping durations will impact the shipment scheduling of the availability check.
You know that the shipping duration is normally maintained on the header level of the transport lane. Additionally, you can now define the shipping duration, you can specify the shipping duration dependent on a shipping condition. For example, 1 day of shipping duration for the express shipping condition.

Transport Lane with shipping duration based on shipping condition
Please make sure that the Status per shipping condition is set to active.
In case there is no shipping condition assigned in the document or the shipping condition is not active for the lane, the header level shipping duration is applied.
If you need additional shipping conditions, you can maintain them in Fine-tuning section of the Business Configuration. They could also set existing shipping conditions to obsolete which exclude this entry from the value help. A deletion is only possible if not used in any document yet.

Shipping Condition in Fine-tuning of the Business Configuration
In the sales order you can maintain the shipping condition on the general tab which copies the value on all the item lines. You can also specify the shipping condition per each item separately.
If you adjusted the shipping condition on item level, then a change on header level to another shipping condition would only apply to the not manually changed items.
The shipping condition and its behavior is also supported for stock transfer orders.
The shipping condition on item line is used to determine the shipping duration defined in the transport lane. In our example below the shipment date is confirmed for Sept 17
th, 2021 and the delivery date is 1 day later Sept 18
th, 2021.

Shipping Scheduling based on shipping condition in the Sales Order Logistics View
The shipping conditions is available in the outbound delivery and the customer invoice on item level.
The majority of queries have now the shipping condition as a selection parameter. For example, you can select the shipping condition 'Express' in the Delivery Proposals View to start executing it first. Furthermore, the shipping condition is also available in many reports, web services and the outbound delivery output form.
Furthermore, the shipping condition acts as a soft split criteria, meaning in automated outbound delivery run you can split different shipping conditions into separate warehouse requests. But when working manually, you can combine items with different shipping conditions exceptionally.
Some more information, you can find in the
system demo.