This is a series of blogs written by SAP subject matter experts to prepare you for your journey to SAP S/4HANA. Ready? Let’s go!
Topic #7 is hardware planning and data volume management
When choosing the hardware for your SAP S/4HANA implementation, be sure consider the following four factors.
Annual data volume growth: Think ahead and plan your hardware for the next three to four years. Use your current system statistics to estimate annual data volume growth.
Business growth: Understand your company’s plans for the next years and the implied hardware requirements. Take into account the planned mergers and acquisitions and understand the post-merger integration plans. Estimate how these new business entities will increase the system workload and expected volume of master or transactional data.
New system functionality: Review projects that call for new functionality and estimate the associated system workload and data footprint. Consult your solution architects who assess the simplification items to understand the impact on your landscape. Pay close attention to the functionality that will be reintegrated from other solutions into SAP S/4HANA. Estimate the workload and data footprint of planned custom developments. And pay special attention to core data services (CDS) views.
Data volume reduction: To reduce the data footprint and memory size of the SAP HANA database server:
- Archive your old data and do housekeeping. This can dramatically reduce the data volume in an ERP. Start with the SAP_BASIS tables as they are often among the largest. Make sure you archive or reorganize them regularly.
- Delete obsolete tables after the conversion using the obsolete data handling tool in SAP S/4HANA.
Finally, consider this practical advice:
- Execute a data volume management (DVM) self-service or use the DVM work center in SAP Solution Manager to determine the data reduction potential in your current system.
- Explore our data volume management support offerings and how-to guides in the DVM wiki.
- Check the data volume management value map for assistance in analyzing the potential data reductions of your system, identifying best practices for archiving and housekeeping, or setting up an archiving project (available for customers of SAP Enterprise Support services or premium engagement services).
- Utilize our Quick Sizer tool when sizing hardware requirements. In new implementations, use the tool for all application components to establish a baseline and adjust it based on the four factors discussed above.
- Use SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA to get a sizing report for the database server. Enrich the results with the factors described above.
- Review the data reduction potential using SAP Readiness Check.
- Before going live, access the data volume management tool in SAP ONE Support Launchpad to monitor the data growth and reduction potential of your SAP S/4HANA system. For information on how to use the tool, see SAP Note 2716655.
Check out all topics of the series:
tip #1:
Check Your Add-ons. Now.
tip #2:
Check Your Finance Data Quality
tip #3:
Don’t Just Rework Custom Code. Rethink it!
tip #4:
How to Build Custom Extensions
tip #5:
Plan Ahead with Compatibility Packs
tip #6:
Gain Insight to Build a Solid Business Case
tip #7:
Hardware Planning and Data Volume Management
tip #8:
Curate Your Master Data before Deployment
tip #9:
Understand the Functional Impact
tip #10:
Fix Issues Without Bogging Down Conversion
tip #11:
Optimizing Downtime in Conversions
tip #12:
Find Relevant SAP Notes
tip #13:
Accelerate your Rollout with Test Automation
tip #14:
Implementing SAP Fiori
tip #15:
Integration Analysis in SAP Readiness Check