This is a series of blogs written by SAP subject matter experts to prepare you for your journey to SAP S/4HANA. Ready? Let’s go!
Topic #5 is compatibility packs.
When we introduced SAP S/4HANA, we had two goals: delivering a modern, disruptively new ERP suite that takes our customers through the next decades while allowing current customers of the SAP ERP application to adopt it in a nondisruptive manner. Compatibility packs are the commercial expression of this strategy.
With compatibility packs, we grant a limited usage right to SAP S/4HANA customers to use certain classic SAP ERP functionalities in their SAP S/4HANA installation at no extra cost. That is, provided they have licensed the applicable solutions as set forth in their license agreements. This usage right is granted to our installed base and net-new customers until December 31, 2025. For three compatibility scope components – customer service (CS), transportation (LE-TRA), and production planning for process industries (PP-PI) – the usage rights are granted until the end of 2030.
See SAP Note 2269324 - Compatibility Scope Matrix for SAP S/4HANA for details.
SAP provides a road map for all compatibility pack items. For most of these items, we plan to offer, or already offer, alternatives. There are only six for which SAP has decided not to offer an alternative solution due to very low usage.
We are very conscious of customer efforts to adopt the alternatives, and we have asked the associated development teams to build bridges where possible.
How do you know if your SAP ERP system uses compatibility packs?
We have separated the compatibility packs into different categories: 1) Universal, 2) Limited, 3) Vistex, and 4) ERP Package. For categories 1–3, there are unfortunately no reliable technical means to identify if you are using a certain functionality, so you would need to cross-check the system and the licensed solutions manually. However, the SAP Readiness Check or simplification item precheck tools can help identify the compatibility pack items in use for category 4.
Compatibility Scope Analysis in SAP Readiness Check offers guidance for understanding, analyzing, and following up on relevant compatibility packages.
Simplification Items for Compatibility Packages
In short, the
Compatibility Scope Analysis provides the following insights:
- An overview of relevant compatibility packages, which offer limited usage rights to run certain classic SAP ERP solutions on SAP S/4HANA
- Details about a compatibility package and the designated alternative functionality via a side panel view
- Links to simplification items and further documentation, which can be referenced to familiarize yourself with the details of individual compatibility packages
For more information on the
Compatibility Scope Analysis in SAP Readiness Check, read this
How do you decide on the successor solution and plan the replacement?
SAP Note
2269324 offers more details, including license material numbers, references to SAP Notes for individual compatibility pack items, and advice on recommended replacements.
For the latest information on compatibility packs, check out the following assets:
Compatibility Scope: What Happens after 2025/2030 | SAP Blogs
The Future of Compatibility Packs in SAP S/4HANA | SAP Blogs
FAQ document
Check out all topics of the series:
tip #1:
Check Your Add-ons. Now.
tip #2:
Check Your Finance Data Quality
tip #3:
Don’t Just Rework Custom Code. Rethink it!
tip #4:
How to Build Custom Extensions
tip #5:
Plan Ahead with Compatibility Packs
tip #6:
Gain Insight to Build a Solid Business Case
tip #7:
Hardware Planning and Data Volume Management
tip #8:
Curate Your Master Data before Deployment
tip #9:
Understand the Functional Impact
tip #10:
Fix Issues Without Bogging Down Conversion
tip #11:
Optimizing Downtime in Conversions
tip #12:
Find Relevant SAP Notes
tip #13:
Accelerate your Rollout with Test Automation
tip #14:
Implementing SAP Fiori
tip #15:
Integration Analysis in SAP Readiness Check