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Regarding Self-Billing processing, suppliers are not allowed to create initial invoices for their deliveries based on their legal requirements in several countries. That means there's no invoicing by the supplier itself. Initial invoices are just allowed based on the data their customer sent to them.
This is usual in eastern European countries like Poland, Czech, Hungary and as well in south European countries like Spain, Portugal, and Italy.





The system can interpret received transmissions in various ways before determining the processing logic. How it interprets them depends on the header action codes and item action codes carried in the respective transmission.

The following table lists the possible combinations of header action codes, item action codes, and the corresponding processing flow.

Header Action Code Item Action Code Processing Flow
000 (indicates self-billing invoice)

001 or 091 (indicates goods receipt)

Initial invoice creation

  • 002 or 092 (indicates goods receipt correction)

  • 005 or 095 (indicates transport damages)

Credit or debit memos for quantity corrections

001 (indicates retroactive price changes)

  • 002 or 092 (indicates goods receipt correction)

  • 005 or 095 (indicates transport damages)

009 or 099 (indicates value-based clearing invoice with retroactive billing)

Credit or debit memos for retroactive price changes

The following processing flows exist for self-billing with invoice creation:

  • Initial invoice creation

    This type of processing deals with initial invoice creation. After receiving self-billing documents from the buyer, the system determines the corresponding delivery document for reference, and compares the received data with the reference data.

    Based on the comparison results, the system proceeds in one of the following ways:

    • It executes self-billing to trigger the creation of invoices (billing type CIXS) for billing items where there is no difference.

    • It executes self-billing to create a clearing line, in addition to an invoice, for billing items where the transmitted net value differs from the reference net value.

    • It executes self-billing to create a clearing line and an open line, in addition to an invoice, if the difference exceeds the predefined tolerance limits.

  • Credit or debit memos for quantity corrections

    This type of processing deals with quantity corrections (such as damaged goods during the transport) claimed by the buyer, by referring to a transaction that has already been processed and settled. Therefore, the buyer sends a credit or debit memo for quantity corrections with reference to one or more existing invoices.

    During the process, the system compares the claimed net value change against the internal net value change, both of which are calculated based on input such as quantity changes of the settled transaction.

    • If they match, the system executes self-billing to trigger the creation of a credit memo (billing type CIXG) or debit memo (billing type CIXL) exactly as the buyer has prepared it.

    • If they don't match, the system creates a credit or debit memo and a clearing line, as well as an open line if the difference exceeds the predefined tolerance limit.

  • Credit or debit memos for retroactive price changes

    This type of processing is similar to the previous one except that it deals with retroactive price changes. Therefore, the system compares the claimed net value change against the internal retroactive billing value, which is calculated in your system based on input such as price changes of the settled transaction.


You can use the new app "Manage Self-Billing - Invoice Creation" to monitor and handle self-billing documents in scenarios requiring self-billing with invoice creation. The "Manage Self-Billing" app has been renamed to "Manage Self-Billing - Automatic Posting".



This function is available in SAP Self-Billing Cockpit as of SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2108 and SAP S/4HANA 2020 FPS02 in 2021-11-10.


Blog Post Series for SAP Self-Billing Cockpit