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In Project System some call it Project Gantt Chart, some Project Planning Board and the Pros just say CJ2B. No matter what you call it, like in any PM tool, the graphical representation of the project structure and the schedule is one of the central components of project management.

With SAP S/4HANA 2021 a new graphical display-only visualization for projects, the Fiori App "Project Schedule", based on the SAPUI5 Gantt Control, is available.

Overview Project Schedule App

The app can either be started from the Fiori Launchpad via a tile or from Project Builder. When starting from the Project Builder, the project is passed on and opened in the app in a new window. When starting via tile, filters can be used to select the relevant objects for display, i.e. Project, WBS Element or Network. Based on the selection in the filter, the project structure is loaded.

The Gantt graphic consists basically of the three parts table, graphic and side panel.

Gantt areas - Table, Graphic, Side Panel

  • Table: displays project hierarchy as a tree and detail information of the project objects in the columns

  • Graphic: visualizes the project objects' dates and floats as bars, relations between network activities are displayed as connections between the bars, additional information can be included via labels or visualized by hovering over the bar

  • Side Panel: displays additional detail information for a single project object clustered in facets (e.g. General Information, Status, etc.) and allows to navigate to related applications


Graphic displaying Basic and Forecast Dates

In the graphic part it is possible to visualize multiple sets of dates together to compare e.g. basic with forecast dates as shown in the graphic above. Each set of date is represented by a specific color (basic dates = blue, forecast dates = green, actuals = grey). The project objects that are part of the critical path are visualized red.


The legend can be used as a reference for shapes and color coding.

Side Panel

By clicking on the arrow on the right side of the table, the user can open the side panel for a single project object. The side panel shows detail information on the selected object in several facets, e.g. General Information, Status, User Fields and others.

Side Panel for WBS Element

From the side panel it is possible to navigate to related applications, e.g. as displayed above for the WBS Element, you can navigate to Project Builder or the WBS Elements Overview Fiori App.


To adjust the displayed information in the table and the graphic part, the Project Schedule app provides settings. The settings can be saved in variants either user-specific or shared with others.

Gantt Settings


The settings are clustered in the areas Dates, Project Objects, Labels and Columns.

  • Dates: defines all settings related to dates relevant for the graphic part, e.g. which sets of dates are visualized (i.e. basic, forecast and/or actuals) or whether earliest and/or latest dates are displayed

  • Project Objects: can be used to hide project objects (e.g. network activities or milestones) in the project hierarchy or hide e.g. relations from the graphic

  • Labels: defines which label (e.g. dates or object description) shall be displayed next to the bars in the graphic

  • Columns: defines which columns are displayed in the table

More detailed information on the Project Schedule App is available on help.sap.com.