As we are aware that SAP S/4HANA comes with an embedded BW (SAP Business Warehouse) functionality.
The embedded BW client can be an integrated client along with your main ERP productive client or it can be a separate client depending on the use case.
Many customers are reaping the benefits of embedded BW in SAP S/4HANA for embedded analytics,for reporting and planning.
With enhanced use case of BW in SAP S/4HANA a separate BW client in a SAP S/4HANA system is recommended. Point here to be noted is the BW client in SAP S/4HANA is not intended to replace Enterprise SAP Business Warehouse. So plan your use cases accordingly.
For greenfield SAP S/4HANA implementations with model company, a pre-configured, pre-delivered client setup is received by the customers, often leave them with no choice on selecting the client numbers of their own choice.
For client number preference by the customer, the changes to the already delivered client setup is required. Most of which is achieved via client copies, however, for BW client there is something more to the client copy.
Let’s have a look.
Customers who are using SAP ECC since many years have their own choice of client numbers in their main ERP system. Also, from a technical standpoint it is a good idea to keep the client number same for the interfaces which are using logical system name to connect to your ERP system.
As we know there are 3 business transition scenarios to SAP S/4HANA:
This blog post is written with new implementation scenario in mind.
When new or existing SAP customers go for a greenfield implementation using SAP Model Company, they must build their SAP S/4HANA system using the database export of pre-configured SAP S/4HANA system provided by SAP value prototyping team.
For an embedded SAP BW usage (e.g Integrated Business Planning for Finance, using SAP Business Planning & Consolidation (BPC)), SAP Model company SAP S/4HANA system may come with a separate BW client & with specific client number.
SAP S/4HANA productive client -100
SAP S/4HANA BW client – 010
This blog post will help you guide through the steps that are needed to switch BW client from its originally delivered BW client as part of the model company export.
Lets say SAP model company SAP S/4HANA system is delivered with below client setup:
SAP S/4HANA productive client -100
SAP S/4HANA BW client – 010
But customer choice is below, he says I want below client setup for my SAP S/4HANA landscape:
SAP S/4HANA productive client -010
SAP S/4HANA BW client – 020
To meet the above requirement, obviously client copies are required.
So, a client is copied first from 010 (previous BW client delivered by model company system) to 020 (new BW client per customer requirement)
Another client copy from 100 to 010 for the main SAP S/4HANA client.
However, copying BW client from 010 to 020 doesn’t change the BW client information hardcoded in the tables and the system still thinks client 010 as its BW client.
Below procedure is to switch BW client 010 to 020 & its activation:
Note -
This procedure must be carried out only once, right after the system build from a model company export & in each system of the landscape ( DEV, QAS, PROD).
Work along with the SAP BW consultant/expert to identify the BW usage before deleting the BW client.
Once after the above mentioned client copies are done.
Logon to the new BW client i.e 020 in your SAP S/4HANA system
1 - Determine BW client:
To check which client is currently setup as BW client, go to SE37, execute FM - RS_MANDT_UNIQUE_GET:
Here you will see the BW client is still set to the client number that is delivered as part of the model company.
Another way to check this is in SE16, RSADMINA table, look for BWMANDT column in the table.
2 -
Make sure that you don’t already use the existing BW client for other BW functionalities as for example BW Data Warehouse Management! Check whether table RSBASIDOC contains an entry with SRCTYPE = M. If not, the following step 3 is not needed. Directly go to step 4.
Otherwise, check whether there are other entries too. If yes, then data warehouse management is used and the client cannot be changed without deleting these usages.
Follow, below steps to delete the BW client:
In S16 – enter table – RSBASIDOC:
Start transaction SE37, enter function module RSAR_LOGICAL_SYSTEM_DELETE and click Test/Execute (F8). In the I_LOGSYS field enter the logical system name of the old BW client. In the I_NO_TRANSPORT field enter “X”.
Click Execute. In the two Delete Source System popups, click yes.
Once the BW client is deleted:
4 -
Start transaction SE37, enter function module RS_MANDT_UNIQUE_SET and click Test/Execute (F8). Enter the BW client you want to use in the I_MANDT field and click Execute
Now the BW client is switched from 010 to 020.
Next step is to
activate the BW technical content.
5 -
Assign logical system client to BW client.
In SE06 – system change options:
select the namespaces with the prefixes /BI0/ and /BIC/as modifiable
Make sure user has below parameter set in SU01:
In T code RSA1:
set job as periodic job.
6 -
Use RSTCO_ADMIN to Check Status
You can also check if the planning content is already activated by using transaction RSD1 and checking if 0RSPL* InfoObjects exist in the active version
So, is the work completely done after the BW client switch? No, it has just started
The above steps will lead you to successfully switch a BW client and activate the technical content. This a basic step and setup. It provides you the platform to use embedded BW features in an SAP S/4HANA system. But those features needs to be activated in the BW client. Depending on the business scenarios and use cases the specific BW features can be activated. It requires BW content activation.
In the next blog will write about one such scenario, BW content activation for CPM.
Hope you find this blog post useful.
Take care.