SAP delivers predefined criteria with which you will select data from the source system, depending on the scenario.
For example, for selecting from an
ERP source system, the entity “
company code” is predefined as selection criterion/filter. For one or several company codes, the records for the chosen Migration Objects will be selected.
When selecting for example from an
EWM source system, the entity “
warehouse” is the predefined selection criterion/filter.
In transaction LTMOM you have the possibility to influence the predefined selection. You can influence the predefined “organizational unit”, in the backend called “
filters” and/or you can influence the selection on Migration object level, so-called “
technical selection”.
Pls. note! If you change the predefined selection defined by SAP, it lies in your responsibility to care for the consistency and completeness of the migrated data.
In my opinion the most likely case might be that you want to influence the selection on Migration Object level, e.g. in order to exclude master data which is outdated or flagged for deletion or lies within a certain range.
1. Technical selection
Use transaction LTMOM and chose your project. Click on “source structures” for the Migration Object, e.g. for “Cost center”.
At right hand side, a window opens. Click on the icon under “Selection”, this opens a window in the lower part of the screen. Make sure that you are on tab “Selection criteria” as shown below.
If you now click on the icon in column “Technical selection”, a popup opens. Pls. note that the popup might appear in the lower part of your screen.
You can open this selection popup for each of the tables which are contained in the data model of the respective Migration Object, in this example tables CSKS and CSKT.
The popup offers the standard select option dialog. You can choose the fields you want to use to delimitate the data, in the above example I have chosen Cost Center (ID), Valid-from-date and assigned Profit Center.
If the selection shall be more differentiated, you can use the “multiple selection” button as shown to select single values, ranges, exclude values and so on.
2. Filters
The second possibility is to adapt the filters. A filter is a collection of values of the same type that is stored centrally for your project, and therefore
available for all migration objects assigned to the project. Filters guarantee that the data records belonging to the defined units are selected.
A filter can be for example company code, controlling area, plant, … It is defined by SAP which filters exist resp. can be used.
Please note! Adapting or changing filters requires a deep understanding of the application of the respective migration object. If you change the predefined selection defined by SAP, it lies in your responsibility to care for the consistency and completeness of the migrated data.
You can add a predefined filter (if any exist) and assign it to a table field or you can remove existing filter assignment.
Existing filters:
The program determines the filter values in the source system based on the company code values (in the ERP scenario) that you provide as a main selection criterion in your project (Fiori). After this automatic value determination, the filter restriction works exactly like a simple technical selection restriction. These combination rules are valid:
- Filter restrictions for the fields of one table are combined with a logical operator AND
- Filter restrictions for different tables are combined with a logical operator OR
In my Migration Project (Fiori) which migrates data from an ERP system, company code is the predefined criterion by SAP. I have chosen
company code 0001 to select from the ERP source system.
Transaction LTMOM (migration object modeler):
Within my project Demo_1909_DT, I have defined (using the modelling environment, transaction LTMOM) a new migration object “DM_Z_COST_CENTER_TEXTS” to migrate cost center texts for all languages. Table CSKT is the parent table, CSKS is the child table.
In order to select the right data records from the source for my newly defined object, I defined filter controlling area (KOKRS) for table CSKT and filter company code (BUKRS) for table CSKS. I have to go for KOKRS for table CSKT as in this table, BUKRS is unfortunately not available.
In the above picture you see how the selection then works when being started in the Migration project (Fiori) => Logic for selection.