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Product and Topic Expert
Hi Everyone,

In my previous blog, we have discussed about few FAQs #3 on the SAP S/4HANA Cloud Test Automation Tool. In this blog, we will have a look at few more FAQs when preparing test, executing test and analyzing results.

Today, we will discuss on the following questions-

  • Under which component do I raise an incident related to the Automation tool related app issues?

  • How to modify formulas in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud (Public) Test Automation tool?

  • How can I make use of the skip formula to efficiently tackle multiple flows in a step?

  • What’s the preference of execution among XPath, label, ID if all of them are present in an action?


1. Under which component do I raise an incident related to the Automation tool related app issues?

Please follow the below steps in order to find the application component-

  • Go to the respective application and click on the user icon.

Click User Icon

  • Click on About and you can find the application component on the pop-up screen.

Application Component


2. How to modify formulas in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud (Public) Test Automation Tool

Note: Standard Test processes are already equipped with formulas wherever needed. We have to create a custom process to modify formulas based on our requirement.

  • Open custom test process and click on edit and choose edit details.

Edit Details

  • Choose value help and Select required formula from the list.


Select Formula

For instance, if we use the formula- $WAIT[10000], the automate will wait for 10 seconds before executing the next action.


3. How can I make use of the skip formula to efficiently tackle multiple flows in a step?

If there are multiple flows need to be tackle due to different condition (like if else scenario) then we can use $SKIP formula.

For instance- $SKIP[$PREVSTEPSTATUS.equals(‘true’),4]   —  This will skip the 4 steps including the current step if the previous step has passed.

For more information on how to implement/use in the Test Automation Tool, please follow the below blog link for detailed steps-



4. What’s the preference of execution among XPath, label, ID if all of them are present in an action?

The preference is XPath > ID > Label.

In the XPath field, enter and XPath expression. The XPath expression takes precedence when searching for an element used in an action.

How to enter the xpath expression in the XPath field?

  • Go to Manage Your Test Process and select your custom automate.

Select Custom Test Plan

  • Select the Test Plan and Click on Edit

Click on Edit

  • Click on Edit Details

Edit Details

  • Enter the XPath:

Enter XPath


Please find more information on below blog link on how to write and use XPath-

Many thanks to Sanjeev Chayal, Surendhiran T,  Siraj Sheik, Ganesh Pujar and entire BPACT Team for their contributions towards creation of these 14 FAQs document.

Find out more:

SAP S/4HANA Cloud Test Automation Tool- FAQs Blog Series #1

SAP S/4HANA Cloud Test Automation Tool- FAQs Blog Series #2

SAP S/4HANA Cloud Test Automation Tool- FAQs Blog Series #3


Thanks & Regards,

-Topic Expert, Expertise Services Team.