Data Cleansing on customer/verndor master data is one of the presteps in ECC on the way to S/4HANA. To keep data clean and reduce duplicates in Business Partners at SAP S/4HANA, duplicate check in BP transaction will help to reduce duplicates.
This blog post is created based on
SAP Note 2833993 - ICM: Steps for activation of duplicate check on SAP HANA - new infrastructure via...
enriched with screenshotes and some guidance.
This blog post is created based on a SAP S/4HANA 2020 Release. All settings will be relevant for newer releases as well. For lower releases please consult
SAP Note 2833993 and referenced SAP Notes.
This duplicate check is using fuzzy search ICM (Information Consistency Management) based on address data index.
With SAP_BASIS release 755 a new infrastructure for ICM duplicate check based on HANA is provided. With this infrastructure a duplicate check without 3rd party systems can be implemented. Related SAP Notes will show necessary steps to downport this functionality to lower SAP Netweaver releases.
The connection of a third party provider tool to the BAS interface (Business Address Service) allows address data for business partners to be checked (including the address data for contact persons and employee relationships).
The duplicate check can take place in the SAP GUI dialog for maintaining business partners, or also using BAPIs.
A duplicate check is carried out in the following cases:
- Duplicate check of the central address data
- When a business partner is created with address data
- When a business partner is changed
- Duplicate check of the address data for relationships
- When a CP relationship (or an employee relationship) is created with a firm's address
The check is carried out only if an address was assigned.
- When a CP relationship or employee relationship is changed
Version: SAP_BASIS 755 or higher
Below SAP_BASIS 755 please consider SAP note
2834389 - ICM: New infrastructure for duplicate check on SAP HANA (implementation note)
SAP HANA prerequisites:
At least SAP HANA 2 Support Package Stack SPS02
If you want to use the rule set for the address-independent duplicate check, the following minimum versions are required: SAP HANA 2 SPS03 Rev. 37.03 ir SAP HANA 2 SPS04 Rev. 43
Implementation overview
- Check prerequisits
- ICM activation
- BAdI activation
- Activate Rulesets
- Clearing Case activation
Check Prerequisits
Check SAP_BASIS release
Check SAP HANA Release
Check ICM Framework
To check if ICM Framework is available check mentioned in 'PART 4 - test' of
SAP Note 2834389 - ICM: New infrastructure for duplicate check on SAP HANA should be executed.
Transaction ICM_RULESET
At least all shown Ruleset IDs and View Names should be available in status 'inactive'.
Check availabilitiy of Views
Check in Transaction SE11 if Views
are active in ABAP dictionary. Create a new SAP GUI session and run Transaction SE11.
Repeat this step for all of the Views mentioned above. After the check you can close the SE11 session.
In Transaction ICM_RULESET check navigation to 'Global Settings' and 'Maintain Display Fields' if they are working well.
Global Settings
Maintain Display Fields
ICM Activation
Activation Setup
Run Transaction ICM_RULESET and navigate into 'Global Settings'.
Dependent on available tables for duplicate check you have to set check on relevant tables active and define a threshold value. Following meaning of available tables:
BUT052 - Relationship Addresses (e.g. used at Contact Persons and Relationship dependent addresses which are synchronized into KNVK)
KNA1 - General Data in Customer Master -> not used is SAP S/4HANA (XDxx transactions are not available any more)
KNVK - Customer/Vendor Master Contact Partner -> not used is SAP S/4HANA (XDxx and XKxx transactions are not available any more)
LFA1 - Supplier Master (General Section) -> not used is SAP S/4HANA (XKxx transactions are not available any more)
MOM052 - Workplace Addresses (used at Employee Business User)
T001W - Plants/Branches (Plant addresses)
BUT000 - BP: General data I (Business Partner)
Recommended threshold values are between 75 and 90. This means duplicates are identified based on a threshold. Higher treshold value leads to a more restrictive duplicate determination. For a threshold value of 90 you can say a duplicate is found with of 90 percent of equal data.
Activate Duplicate check.
Push button 'Application-Side Enablement (SA17)'
Activate Duplicate Check for GUI Transaction BP
Push button 'Application-Side Enablement (SA24)'
BAdI Activation
For integration of ICM duplicate check a standard BAdI implementation needs to be activated.
Run Transaction SE18 and enter ADDRESS_SEARCH
List Implementations
Deactivate all active implementations first (marked yellow)
Activate Implementation SIC_ADDR_DUPL_CHECK
Activate Rulesets
Run Transaction ICM_RULESET and activate corresponding rulesets
RULESET_ORG for the duplicate check of business partners (organization and group)
Rule set RULESET_PERS for the duplicate check of business partners (persons)
Note: In SA17, the entry "BUT000, field PARTNER" covers both organizations/groups and persons.
ICM_RULESET contains two separate rule sets for these object types. Both must be activated if you want to use the duplicate check for both organizations/groups and for persons.
Rule set RULESET_CONTACT for the duplicate check of business partner contacts (contact persons for organizations or groups)
Both RULESET_ORG and RULESET_PERS always perform an address comparison during the duplicate check.
If you also want to carry out an address-independent duplicate check for the objects "Organization/Group" and "Person", activate the rule set RULESET_BP_ADDRINDP as well (or instead). If it is active, this rule set applies for all business partner objects.
Rule set RULESET_EMPLOYEE for the duplicate set of employees on the basis of the table MOM052
As a result all Rulesets are activated.
ATTENTION: Ruleset activation is client dependent. You have activate Rulesets in all relevant clients.
Troubleshooting at Ruleset activation
In some cases it might happen that an error at activation occurs.
In this case indices are not generated yet.
Corresponding to SAP Note
2864015 - ICM: Full-text indexes on table ADRC for ICM duplicate check - generation report ICM_DUPL_...
You have to run report ICM_DUPL_SET_FULLTEXT_INDICES with option
As a result you can see confirmation screen.
As a result you can see confirmation screen.
Cleansing Case configuration
With ICM duplicate check you have the possibility to create a cleansing case for postprocessing.
Create number range for numbering object COM_CLEAR
Use Transaction SNRO and enter object COM_CLEAR
Test of Duplicate Check
If a duplicate is identified during one of the above-mentioned actions, a dialog box appears with the relevant options for processing the duplicates.
You can use the following functions in this dialog:
- Navigation to the display of a potential duplicate
- Navigation to the relevant duplicate during the creation of a business partner or a relationship
You can choose whether you want to accept the changes made to the business partner that is being maintained.
- Creation of a data cleansing case for further maintenance in transaction BUPA_CLEAR
Information how to handle cleansing cases you can find at SAP Online Help
- Navigation to the display of the relationship for a duplicate relating to contact person or employee data
- Display of the similarity of the duplicate in percent
Display an existing Business Partner and open BP transaction in a second session. Enter pretty similar data into address fields and check the data using <ENTER> or check button.
With this data check duplicate check will be executed and a Pop-Up appears if a duplicate is found.
Starting from this Pop-Up you can navigate to different actions described above.
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