At some of my other blogs I mentioned BDT Analyzer as a tool to find certain field group for field status control. At this blog I would like to describe how you can use this tool.
This blog is relevant for all releases working with Business Partner, meaning ECC 6.0 onwards. Main focus is SAP S/4HANA on-premise and private cloud edition, which is the most relevant working with Business Partner.
All elements and how they are related to each other is described in my blog
SAP S/4HANA Business Partner Toolset (BDT) at Business Partner.
You can use the BDT Analyzer as an analysis and Customizing help for BDT-based applications.
The analyzer shows the layout of a BDT application in a tree structure, whose nodes are listed as follows:
- Screen Sequence Categories
- Screen Sequences
- Screens
- Sections
- Views
- Field Groups
- Fields
You can jump to the relevant Customizing from each of the nodes in this tree.
If, for example, you select Views, you can get to the Customizing for all views of a particular BDT application object.
If you select a specific view from the upper-level nodes, you get directly to the Customizing of this view.
Starting BDT Analyzer
- function code (OK-Code) BDT_ANALYZER
Using the report BDT_ANALYZER (BDT-Analyzer) you can display the complete Customizing of a BDT application object or search selectively for individual elements.
For example, you want to display all the locations where the view BUP105 of the BDT object BUPA is used. You can enter this view as a selection criterion in the selection screen for this.
- run ABAP Editor transaction SA38
- enter program name BDT_ANALYZER and press <Execute> button.

- At selection screen there are many possibilities for your selection. Important is the field 'Application Object'. There are two entries relevant for BP transaction.
- BUPA - SAP Business Partner
- BUPR - SAP Business Partner: Partner Relationships
- If you want to find where the view BUP105 is used at Business Partner, enter the following date at selection screen
Check box at the end of the selection screen will expand the whole screen.
A description of each entry at result screen is described further down.
Function Code BDT_ANALYZER
Using the function code BDT_ANALYZER in the command line within a BDT application.
It is a display that is similar to that of the report, only it is specific to the current screen sequence category and current screen sequence number.
- In a first step run transaction BP with a certain Business Partner.
- run BDT Analyzer

- A pop-up appears with detailed screen structure

- If you are looking for a specific field group navigate to field group level starting from Screen

At each level you can directly navigate into corresponding technical object.
Click at Section name will navigate into BDT customizing definition of this marked Section.
e.g. CVIC01 - Customer: General Data
Click at View name will navigate into BDT customizing of this marked View.
e.g. CVIC01 - Customer: Authorization Group, Corporate Group Key

Starting from BDT Analyzer you can navigate directly into technical objects like Screen Program, Screen, Function Modules for PBO and PAI.
e.g. (technical) Screen 0001 of program SAPLCVI_FS_UI_CUSTOMER

Interesting for field status control is the assigned Function Module at Field Group level. Sometimes there is a hard coded field status which makes field status setting in customizing obsolete. If you experience a strange field status behaviour this might be caused by such a programmed logic.

Hint: If you wish to expand a specific part of the tree, just mark the Item and choose the button 'Expand subtree'

At column 'Fld Status' you can see some red minus icons. This means that this specific field group is set do 'hide'.
If you want to analyze field status settings, have a look at my
SAP S/4HANA Business Partner Field Status Analysis