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Update Dec. 2022 on enhancement of the OData services interface analysis:

The OData services interface analysis covers now all interfaces for OData versions 2 and 4. The updated data collector detects OData services based on programming models available from SAP_BASIS releases 700 and above:

  • SAP Gateway Service Builder

  • SAP ABAP programming model

  • SAP Service Adaptation Description Language (SADL)

  • SAP ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model (RAP)

  • Core Data Services (CDS) views exposed as OData services

Two new properties were introduced to the analysis result list, displaying the OData service version and a flag to indicate if the OData service is published.



Dear All,

Today we are delighted to announce the go-live of two additional interface types – OData services and SLT replication – for the extended integration analysis available within SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA and SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA upgrades.

The data collectors for these two interface types are embedded in the data collection framework as of version 73 of SAP Note 2758146. Once the data archive is uploaded, the results are then visible in the Integration tile of SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA and SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA upgrades. As with the other interface types, the results include an inventory of interfaces analyzed along with the identified findings from the impact assessment.

The presentation of the analysis results for the two new interface types follows the same pattern as for the other interface types. For a general introduction to the extended Integration analysis, see this blog on SAP Community.

To set up and execute an integration analysis, check the SAP community blog Extended Integration Analysis in SAP Readiness Check – Prerequisites and Data Collection.

Customers who have already performed an SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA analysis on their system previously can enable the use of this new version of the integration analysis by simply updating and executing the interface data collectors again (see SAP Note 2758146). If desired, the data collection framework expert mode option can be used to limit the data collection to these two interface types.

OData Services Interface Type

To show the results of the OData services interface check, select the corresponding tab in the integration detail view.

The view presents the total number of technical OData services in the analyzed system. To calculate this KPI, the interface discovery data extractor first analyzes the number of OData service interfaces created with the SAP Gateway Service Builder. The data can be found in table TADIR (directory of repository objects) filtered by object type IWPR (service builder project).

In the result list in the detail view, these OData services have the value Yes in the column Created via SAP Gateway Service Builder. OData services that were not created by the SAP Gateway Service Builder are collected in a second step by checking their ABAP classes, which must always be inherited from the superclasses /IWBEP/CL_V4_ABS_DATA_PROVIDER (data provider class) and /IWBEP/CL_V4_ABS_MODEL_PROV (model provider class).

These OData service interfaces show the value No in the column Created via SAP Gateway Service Builder of the result list and do not contain a project name or a project description. The name of the data provider and model provider classes can also be found in the corresponding columns of the result list for both OData service interface variants. Please be aware that some of the result list columns might be hidden by default. To add or hide columns, select a column header and tag or untag entries from the presented column list.

OData service interfaces that may no longer work (or function as expected) following the conversion to SAP S/4HANA or upgrade between SAP S/4HANA product versions are determined by the impact analysis. To filter the OData service result list and to show only impacted items, select the Impact Type column in the chart.

The impact analysis investigates the source code and development objects of all OData service interfaces and tries to find items that are directly or indirectly impacted through simplification items. These findings are categorized as Functionality Unavailable, and further information is populated in the Details column of the result list.

The screenshot above shows two examples where the impact type is Functionality Unavailable based on analysis against the simplification item catalog. To get further information about the OData service interface analysis, open the side panel content using the Learn More button.

SLT Replication Interface Type

To review the results of the SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server interface (SLT) analysis, select the corresponding tab in the integration detail view.

The view presents the total number of tables being replicated within the analyzed system. To calculate , the interface discovery data extractor uses the function module IUUC_GET_TRIGGERS to fetch basic inventory information like table and trigger names, and then enriches it with additional data like table description, application area, and number of table entries. Please be aware that some of the result list columns might be hidden by default. To add or hide columns, select a column header and tag or untag entries from the column list.

An impact analysis identifies where the replication of table entries using SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server may no longer work (or function as expected) following the conversion to SAP S/4HANA or the upgrade to a new SAP S/4HANA product version. To show only impacted items in the SLT replication interface result list, select the impact type column in the chart to filter accordingly.

The impact analysis investigates the tables with triggers used for SLT replication and tries to find the items that are directly or indirectly impacted by simplification items.  These findings are categorized as Functionality Unavailable, and further information can be found in the Details column of the result list. Additionally, relevant ABAP test cockpit (ATC) issues are presented in the ATC Results column, providing that ATC results are uploaded to your SAP Readiness Check analysis.

Select the Learn More button to check the side panel content for further information about the SLT replication analysis.

As always, we look forward to receiving your feedback!

SAP Readiness Check Team