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SAP ECTR Forum 2019 - Inspired Customers will turn into true Fans

On this years SAP ECTR (Engineering Control Center) Forum 2019 hosted by DSC AG and supported by SAP and a broad partner network, DSC Software AG, the partners and their customers showed impressively which value can be gained by using the full set of solutions in PLM to drive processes from design to operate.

Under the theme "Back to the digital future" in two full days of content, network opportunities with all stakeholders all involved parties showed which tremendous step forward has been made to arrive at the digital stage in Engineering.

Astonishing, awe-inspiring and awesome.

These are three experiences we felt when we met at the SAP ECTR Forum 2019.


The Print Media Academy in Heidelberg is such an iconic location to host this event in. The buildings futuristic glass architecture with open spaces contributed to serving the perfect atmosphere of this years theme “Back to the Digital Future”.

Altogether, the event hit new heights, reaching 503 participants, twice as much as the previous year. It spanned over 4 levels of the building including its auditorium. Each level focusing on a specific theme where you can find various showcases. The themes included SAP Product Lifecycle Management Platform, Engineering and More with SAP ECTR, Manufacturing: CAM, DNC, Tools, Shop Floor Systems and lastly, Service, IoT & Cloud. The event also hosted specific workshops on an additional floor where we could gain know-how on shop-floor experiences and end-to-end business scenarios.

What was most interesting about this piece of the event was to get to know the FCTR world, also known as the Factory Control Center. The FCTR is an add on solution that accompany SAP ECTR that supports getting the CAMdata and tools data integrated with the machines of the shop floor.


For the last 30 years, DSC has been SAPs partner, actively shaping the future, ensuring that SAP PLM solutions are not yesterday’s news. The DSC team went above and beyond, shaping the future of our SAP PLM solutions.

The leaders of DSC gave an in-depth look into what it means to digitalize my company, and is PLM still relevant in the future. They emphasized that PLM is a core component to any companys digitalization strategy and that it is an integral part of building an Intelligent Enterprise. They also voiced out the whole solution offering including SAP Intelligent Product Design and their future plans.

SAPs Marketing SVP Thomas Ohnemus outlined the influence of today's sustainability discussion and how this is relevant to all of us and the new products in design, which each and every design engineer needs to keep in mind in future to create sustainable products for a better world, which  bottom-line will also underpin the success of these new products. With experience management and SAP PLM, we are able to understand what our customers want, to ensure the sustainability of our own company. He showed the new product portfolio of PLM and demoed nicely how business data can be interlinked with engineering data to use these insights not only in day to day business but also in the world of engineers.

There is nothing more inspiring than listening to our customers. Otto Fuchs, a long time customer, described how they have been using SAP PLM software for their business supporting them for over a decade. They started an engineering project with SAP ECTR where they wanted to reduce process cycle time in engineering, improve downstream process, make sure all legally binding constraints are met and improve the world of their engineers. One of the cornerstones of this successful project was that they are in a multi cad environment where they wanted to use SAP ECTR to be the common user interface between the world of engineering and the SAP processes. Since Otto Fuchs is a typicall ETO company they also included SAPs project solution into SAP ECTR and many other software tools used in engineering to have one place to go for their engineers. Even with a cockpit and KPI dashboard on top the whole project came to a big success.


The biggest eye catcher was a real life Delorean car from Back to the Future accompanied by a short film created by the DSC team on how SAP ECTR was used to get the Delorean industrialized.
I mean, how many people can say that they have seen, yet alone sit in such a memorable car.

It is also always really great to meet old faces and get to know new people along this journey with SAP PLM.

Andrea Keller, CEO of DSC Software AG said "we are extremely proud with the success of this event. We proved that digitalization can be broken down to a few essential components even in a complex environment such as engineering. We were able to illustrate to our customers that digitalization is real and can be made easy to consume, to implement and to run in our customers day to day business – some have it already today, many will have it in future. And most important that it enables value and drives efficiency".


The biggest message we learnt is how we can establish a basis for the solutions of tomorrow, based on legacy systems of yesterday.

Sarah Mei Niesel & Petra Koepfer-Behncke