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This blog post is currently applicable to the roadmap SAP Activate for RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition. Similar features are also available in similar roadmaps for SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition and SAP S/4HANA on-premise. Find all roadmaps at https://me.sap.com/roadmapviewer 

So you want and/or need to introduce innovation to your business and you have chosen SAP S/4HANA as the core of that business innovation. So far so good – the technical readiness you have under control.  But business readiness can be a whole different challenge! In this blog post you will learn of some new content and accelerators coming to SAP Activate that help you:

    • Discuss desired business outcomes and innovation needs with your sponsor, business stakeholders and technical team
    • Build a focused UX adoption roadmap that clarifies which users (business roles) get which apps first or next, and why
    • Efficiently select your new User Experience for your standard and custom use cases including SAP Fiori apps and Fiori features
    • Better evaluate your new UX against your to-be business processes
    • Deploy your new User Experience with minimal effort and maximum effectiveness
    • Communicate with your business users why these new apps have been given to them, and the behavior changes expected from them.

There’s no denying that selecting your first-to-deploy SAP Fiori apps in SAP S/4HANA is a challenge. With more than 3.2K SAP Fiori apps (as of SAP S/4HANA 2023) delivered out of the box, attractive launchpad features and a raft of custom use case options, you just can’t deliver everything at once.  So how do you efficiently narrow down what’s useful for your business users now and later?

How do you create a UX adoption roadmap that sensibly manages the pace of change for business users in a way that supports business outcomes and innovations needs?

The answer is UX Value Goals – a new concept you will now find throughout the content and accelerators of roadmap SAP Activate for RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition.


UX Value Goals - a new way to discuss and select User Experience based on desired business outcomes

The 9 UX Value Goals supported by RISE with SAP S/4HANA are:

UX Value GoalGoal DescriptionInnovation/Solution adoption focus
Be more MOBILE  Increase the number and variety of tasks that can be performed on mobile devices such as tablets and smartphonesMobile devices
GUIDE me betterGuide day to day work with clear work lists and easy to follow processes that help me do my job right every timeFlexible workflow, Forms/wizards
RESPOND fasterHelp me find relevant information fast so I can respond quickly to incoming requestsSearch, Notifications, Manage apps
Be more INSIGHTFULMove to real-time analytics and insight-to-action navigation so work can be prioritized and acted on without delayEmbedded Analytics
COLLABORATE betterMake it easier to connect and share information with my virtual team so we can resolve complex situationsChatbots, Sharing features
REACT fasterBe notified faster of business situations and be supported in responding to situationsSituation Handling, Internet of Things
Be more AUTOMATEDIncrease use of robotic and mass maintenance options that reduce effort and let me focus on exceptionsRobotic Process Automation, Mass maintenance apps
Be more PROACTIVEUse predictive and forward planning capabilities to mitigate potential issues and risks before they happenMachine Learning/AI
Be more ADAPTABLEMake changes to the user experience on behalf of other usersIn-App Extensibility, Key user apps

RISE with SAP S/4HANA supports each of these UX Value Goals via both standard use cases and custom use cases.

In general, standard use cases include the delivered ready-to-deploy:

    • SAP Fiori apps – more than 3.2K and growing by 100s of new apps in each SAP S/4HANA release
    • SAP Fiori launchpad features, such as Search and Notifications
    • Intelligent technology embedded use cases, such as AI, embedded Situation Handling and embedded Machine Learning scenarios

While custom use cases include:

    • Side-by-side mobile and intelligent technology use cases using SAP BTP and related services
    • Native app development using SAP Fiori for iOS or SAP Fiori for Android
    • Quick and effective improvement of classic GUI transactions using SAP Screen Personas and the Slipstream engine

Each UX Value Goal is associated with a matching solution and innovation adoption focus on use cases that achieve that goal when using RISE with SAP S/4HANA.  For example, UX Value Goal "Be more AUTOMATED" covers SAP Fiori apps that offer mass maintenance options and SAP intelligent Robotic Process Automation use cases (both standard and custom).

How UX Value Goals help you have better business conversations

UX Value Goals help you have more purposeful conversations with your sponsors, business stakeholders and technical team about your innovation needs and desired business outcomes for now and in the near-, mid-, and long-term future.


UX Value Goals drive more effective conversations about UX

What sort of conversation might you have?

UX Value Goals give a clear understanding of the expected change on the business and business users. It's a conversation starter that works for both business people and your technical team.

For example, early in the pandemic, a conversation I was having with some of the technical team of a local Utilities customer was about the value of mobile UX for flexible work.  They were telling us how – just quietly – they were grateful they had already moved to SAP S/4HANA with a focus of becoming more mobile – using a mix of standard SAP Fiori apps and custom-built native apps. And here's the important thing - this was a deep technical person understanding very clearly what value they were bringing to the business.

To paraphrase the conversation: “If we hadn’t done that, when the lockdowns started happening, we would have been in big trouble!  Because when the government insisted on employees working from home wherever possible, all of our people would still have been tied to their desktop on their desk in the office. There was no way we could have supported work from home for most of our employees – it would have been a major disruption to our business.  But because we had already implemented those apps, moving to work from home was mostly an inconvenience”. 

So you can see how UX Value Goal Be more MOBILE helps you discuss the why, what, how and when for flexible workforce use cases.

You can even use these value discussions to quantify expected business benefits, identify baseline data and target metrics and decide how these will be monitored after go-live. Measured business benefits that prove the value of UX give you a way to encourage the next steps in your UX adoption roadmap. For example, you can use the metrics monitored to prove the actual benefits achieved so far and discuss where adjustments are needed on your UX adoption roadmap.

How UX Value Goals help you build your UX adoption roadmap

The aim of those business conversations is to build your high-level UX Adoption Roadmap to clarify WHO should get new UX when, and WHAT type of new UX they need.  You can see how this works in this example based on your target business roles and UX Value Goals.


Example UX Adoption Roadmap: A way to manage the pace of change based on UX Value Goals for target Business Roles

You can then use your UX Adoption Roadmap to drive your project activities, for example:

    • Identifying which BTP services you should subscribe to, e.g. with your RISE credits
    • Your UX/UI strategy and associated guiding principles for UX
    • Scoping and evaluation of apps
    • Deploying standard SAP Fiori apps, features, and use cases
    • Developing your custom-built scenarios using SAP BTP services and SAP S/4HANA

New workshops to guide your UX Value Goal conversations

To help you have these business conversations and refine the use cases selected, you will find a series of workshops now available in SAP Activate.


PhaseWorkshop GuidesPurpose
DiscoverUX Adoption: Establish the business value of UXCapture initial thoughts on UX. Draft a high level UX roadmap based on UX Value Goals. Identify priority tasks for change.
PrepareUX Adoption: UX Strategy and Guiding PrinciplesAgree on what needs to be common across all roles. Establish entry points, cross-process features and best practices, and responsibilities
PrepareUX Adoption: Scope the FutureWork out what's available for your release that aligns with your desired business outcomes and priority tasks. Select apps for target UX Value Goals for Business Roles in scope. Skill up for app evaluation and custom role creation
PrepareUX Adoption: Envision the Future

Review the selected apps & features list against your desired business outcomes & priority tasks for the business roles and UX Value Goals in scope.

Your aim is to consider the to-be change impact on your business users ,and confirm you have selected the optimal UX available to meet your desired business outcomes. You can adjust your app list or your UX Adoption roadmap.

Consider metrics to prove the business benefits of UX.

Assign role owners & plan next steps towards fit-to-standard evaluation against your detailed business processes.
RealizeHow to approach Design your Launchpad LayoutPrototype your launchpad layouts with your business users and business experts
RunUX Adoption: Review realized UX business benefitsRetrospective on UX current state and lessons learned, adjust your next UX adoption steps. Trigger the next wave of UX Adoption.


You can find out more by filtering on the User Experience tag in SAP Activate as explained in blog post SAP Activate – Introducing the User Experience tag.

Let us know in the comments your thoughts on this new approach.

In blog post SAP Activate – Selecting apps using the UX Value Goals you will find some more details on how the new accelerators in SAP Activate support your selection of apps by UX Value Goals, and help you efficiently evaluate apps for fit to your to-be business processes.

In blog post SAP Activate – UX Adoption as an iterative process you will find how UX adoption can be an iterative process when you want to start small and iterate to grow.

In blog post SAP Activate – Understanding the UX Adoption workshops you will find a summary of the purpose, when, what, and why of the UX Adoption workshops.

Finally in blog post SAP Activate – UX Adoption – Why Select UX before Fit-to-standard you will find a summary of how selecting UX works like a funnel - you need to properly consider all the UX available to you to make effective change and avoid missed opportunities.

Find out more about SAP Activate in the SAP Activate Community

Visit your community topic page for SAP Activate

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Brought to you by the SAP S/4HANA Customer Care and Regional Implementation Group.

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Inside SAP S/4HANA Podcast

You might like to subscribe to our podcast “Inside SAP S/4HANA.” This podcast leverages the unique knowledge and expertise of SAP S/4HANA product experts, partners and customers to address your needs by sharing product insights and project best practice. There is no customer success without product success and project success; we help you get to the next level and make your SAP S/4HANA projects a success. Subscribe now and benefit from the shared knowledge.

openSAP Microlearnings for SAP S/4HANA are now in https://learning.sap.com 

openSAP microlearnings for SAP S/4HANA are an exciting new learning opportunity. What began with a small batch of 20 videos, has now become a channel with more than 50 microlearnings that have generated over 20,000 views since then. Today we cover multiple lines of business, like Finance and Manufacturing & Supply Chain, and key technology topics like Master Data Management, Extensibility, User Experience, and Upgrade Management. We are continuously adding new microlearnings to the SAP S/4HANA channel, so make sure you check them out.

Your voice matters! 

If you want to learn more and actively engage with SAP subject matter experts on SAP S/4HANA Cloud, join our SAP S/4HANA Cloud Customer Community. This platform which is available to SAP S/4HANA Cloud customers and partners has a clear mission: deliver an interactive community to engage with one another about best practices and product solutions.

For more information on SAP S/4HANA Cloud, check out the following links:

    • SAP S/4HANA Cloud Release Blogs here
    • SAP S/4HANA PSCC Digital Enablement Wheel here
    • Inside SAP S/4HANA Podcast here
    • Best practices for SAP S/4HANA Cloud here
    • SAP Activate Community here
    • Feature Scope Description here
    • What’s New here
    • Help Portal Product Page here
    • Implementation Portal here

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