This blog is for the detailed steps for Readiness Check (RC) for step t2 of conversion to S/4HANA. Readiness Check is an optional step and is a high level analysis to get a Results Dashboard and also download to a Results Document with details of Active Business Functions, Add-On Compatibility, Custom Code Analysis, Recommended Fiori Apps, S/4HANA Sizing, Simplification Items, Compatibility Scope Analysis, Integration, Business Process Discovery, Customer Vendor Analysis, Data Volume Management and Planned Downtime Analysis.
Please find other blogs as follows at S/4HANA SQUARE ONE
SYSTEM CONVERSION | t2 - RC | t3 - MP | t4 - SIC | t5 - CCM | t6 - SUM |
S/4HANA 1909+ | rc2 pd(bsr) | link | link | link | prepare EHP6/mss |
S/4HANA 1809 | rc2 | link | link | link | EHP7/hdb EHP6/db6 EHP5/ora EHP6/mss |
If you are upgrading S/4HANA System, there is a separate blog for upgrade as shown above.
Please find the process flow diagram with application of notes as below.
All steps are according to Note 2913617 - SAP Readiness Check 2.0 version 23. Click on Show Changes for revision comparison.
De-implement any of the notes if they were implemented earlier. In case of ABAP class inconsistency, please clean up the class header in tcode SE24, specify the object and select Utilities => Regenerate sections in the change mode. If you have SAP Note 2310438 implemented in your system, de-implement note 2310438 first.
If you face issues with above, please open OSS message. If you try to download latest version of note and apply, it may cause a bigger issue with a lot of time wasted later on.
You should have 6-8 weeks of transaction history (tcode ST03) in the production system or the system in which you want to execute the application analysis. Otherwise, SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA can return inaccurate or incomplete results.
Using tCode SNOTE apply Note 2758146 - SAP Readiness Check 2.0 & Next Generation SAP Business Scenario Recommendations
Please refer blog for Compatibility Scope Analysis for more details
Using tCode SNOTE apply Note 2399707 - Simplification Item Check
Please refer blog for for more details on Effort Drivers
Using tCode SNOTE apply Note 2903677 - SAP Readiness Check: Effort Drivers of Simplification Items Check
Using tCode SNOTE apply Note 2502552 - S4TC - SAP S/4HANA Conversion & Upgrade new Simplification Item Checks
There is an elaborate process to apply this note. It may require more notes to be downloaded and also some Transport based Correction Instructions.
Please refer the steps 1-5 in the Simplification Item Check blog - S/4HANA Conversion – t4 – Simplification Item Check step-by-step
Read SAP Note 1872170 - ABAP on HANA sizing report (S/4HANA, Suite on HANA...) - cannot be implemented in SNOTE !
Using tCode SNOTE apply SAP Note 3104284 - HANA memory Sizing report - Advanced correction 15.
While applying this note you may be requested to apply notes SAP Note 2987346 - HANA memory Sizing report - Advanced correction 14 and Note 2810633 - HANA memory Sizing report - Advanced correction 13 + dependent notes.
So far these are the latest notes, if there is later note mentioned in Note 1872170 please check and apply.
Please note:
TIP: You could save lot of manual work by applying ST-PI. To apply it doesn't need any other components or stack.xml. If you don't want to apply ST-PI, please note that in the Note 2913617 it is mentioned that to include sizing in analysis report dashboard, it is recommended to have min ST-PI 740/SP07 or 700,710/SP17
In tcode SE38, check that program /SDF/HDB_SIZING is available and you can even run it for test now as the job normally takes long time.
Please use below for troubleshooting if you run into issues.
Read Note 2721530 - FAQ for collecting DVM data during S/4HANA Readiness Check - This is a FAQ note and cannot be implemented in SNOTE.
Implementation of the note requires ST-PI 740 SP01 700/710 SP09
FIRST: Follow Note 1159758 - Data Volume Management: Central Preparation Note all steps related to Target system (System to be analyzed). This is a FAQ note and cannot be implemented using SNOTE.
tCode SA38, RTCCTOOL, Click on Settings, Flag option 'Prepare for DVM (Data Volume Mgmt) service ?', Click on Save.
Please make sure that this section shows a green light for all SAP Notes which are related to the planned DVM services
SECOND: Apply Note 2612179 using SNOTE. You may be prompted for manual steps below:
As per manual instructions follow this sequence,
THIRD: tCode SA38, RTCCTOOL - check other DVM notes required on the system
Please refer blog for more details on Financial Data Quality
Using tCode SNOTE apply Note 2972792 - Financial Data Quality: Trigger Data Collection Reports to Check Your Financial Data ...
You may be prompted for manual step - Enter tCode SA38 - program name /SDF/NOTE_2909538, Update and Activate.
There are also some steps below before implementing note 2972792:
1. Ensure Make sure that the SAP Note 2758146 is implemented
2. Implement the FIN_CORR_RECONCILE report via SAP Note 2755360
3. Refer to this SAP Note 2887318 and implement the included SAP notes if required.
Please ensure Online collectors are active - Enter tCode SA38 - RTCCTOOL, Goto->Online colllectors; Allow Online Collectors.
Please refer blog for Customer Vendor Analysis for more details
Apply using SNOTE SAP Note 3010669 - Enhancements to SAP Readiness Check Dashboard for Business Partner/CVI There are manual steps - in SE24 change Object type CL_CVI_READINESS_CHECK and Goto-> Text elements and add Sym 015-025
and there are some dependent notes - may prompt to apply Note 2811183 - S/4 Readiness Check Development which has manual steps as below:
Please refer blog for Extended Integration Analysis for more details
Follow SAP Note 3061414 - Enabling extended integration impact analysis for SAP Readiness Check
Please update ad-on ST-A/PI to 01U* SP03+. For this you may have to apply the addons below using tCode SAINT as below shown for Basis 731 and higher:
You should also be on min SAP_BASIS 7.00 SP0+, SAP_BASIS 7.02 SP15+, SAP_BASIS 731 SP12+, SAP_BASIS 740 or above.
Using tCode SNOTE implement SAP Note 3035012 - ATC check for ALE objects for SAP S/4HANA simplification
Implement SAP Note 3057501 and SAP Note 2781766 in central ABAP test cockpit system (not ERP)
Please refer blog for Extended Integration Analysis for more details
Apply Note 2827612 Enable Innovation Potential check in SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA
Apply Note 2185390 - Custom Code Analyzer (includes manual steps)
This note will download other dependent notes, and then some other dependent notes and this goes on. Number may vary depending on your patch level. The Note requires Manual steps as below:
As per Manual steps above, In SE80 create Package SYCM_MAIN
Create SubPackage SYCM_ANALYSIS
Confirm Manual step. Then the note application will prompt for another manual step depending on your SP level, its only applicable to the narrow range of SAP_BASIS SP08 to SP11 only.
In SE11, create table WBINDEX You will require the developer key and object access key.
Add field PROGNAME and confirm manual step.
In SA38, run SAPRSEUC in background now or after the optional step to run it in parallel to improve performance. This is a long running job and runs single threaded by default.
TIP: Please note it is not required to run the job SAPRSEUB, which updated Where-Used list for the whole system, the SAPRSEUC updates Where-Used list for Customization only. Job SAPRSEUB used to run several days like 11 days at one customer. The good thing is if it is cancelled it continues from the point it was cancelled with a overhead or 20-30 mins for every restart.
If you have issues in running this job the component for OSS message is BC-DWB-CEX.
Apply note Note 2667023 - Runtime of job EU_INIT or SAPRSEUB/SAPRSEUC, performance Manual steps are in Note 2228460 - Runtime of job EU_INIT, SAPRSEUB, performance
You will have to register developer if needed, and register object to get Access key and fill in as below:
Add 2 fields as below:
In SE38, BSP_INIT_INDEX_CROS, Variant , Change, add text elements as below. there are 7 programs and 1 class with text elements to be updated.
You may also be prompted for Programs WDY_INIT_INDEX_CROSS, SAPRSEUI, QSC_INDEX_ALL_PROXIES to add text elements.
After applying the note, job runs with one background process and uses number of dialog processes as defined in (1) table RSEUPACTRL as below. (2) Add column ALLSERVER, if it is blank, (3) Mark X for parallel processing and (4) define percentage of dialog processes to be used according to timezone. If this is sandbox that you want to finish the job as soon as possible you could jackup these percentages.
You can now schedule the job SAPRSEUC if you decided to do the optional steps.
Implement steps as shown in SAP Note 2781766 - Enabling ATC check result export for SAP Readiness Check 2.0
This step to be implemented in ATC system with NW 7.52 (not ERP). First you have to setup the systems as needed for ATC check.
Please follow the elaborate process to apply notes in Checked System as per blog - S/4HANA Conversion – t5 – Custom Code Migration step-by-step
From above blog, apply the required 4+ notes in checked system, Apply 3+ notes in Central Checking system which should be Netweaver 7.52 or higher.
In the Central Checking system run tCode ATC, Runs, Manage Results. In the ATC Results Browser select (1) the result series, Right Click and select (2) Export File for, (3) SAP Readiness Check for S/4HANA”. You will doenload a file named <SID>
In SE38 run background job SYCM_DOWNLOAD_REPOSITORY_INFO. Define the variant to restrict to the required namespace.
Then run the program in background using this variant.
ERROR SITUATION: If the where-used list index for customer objects is not up to date you will get error below:
Please refer Note: 2655768 - Custom Code Analyzer - The where-used list index for customer objects is not up to d...
After the job is finished, in SE38 run SYCM_DOWNLOAD_REPOSITORY_INFO again and click on button to Download Zip file...
In case you get below dump:
The solution is - Enter tCode SE38, Program LZEHPRC_CP_BB20UXX, click on Change (You will need developer access). Go to menu option Utilities, Settings.
select option above, click on OK, Save and Activate the program. Unfortunately you have to Rerun the job from the beginning.
In tCode SE01, release transport and using tCode STMS import into QAS and PROD systems in the landscape.
This is important if you want to run readiness check for the latest releases. Please refer blog for How to update RC to support latest release for more details
Using tCode SA38 program /SDF/RC_START_CHECK, check that your (1) Target S/4HANA Version shows up in the popup as below. If it doesn't show then click on (2) Update Catalog with latest version from SAP and you should see message (3) Simplification content downloaded successfully from SAP.
If the above does not work, maybe because you don't have SAPOSS connection setup, you can use url to manually download the file using icon below:
and upload using (4) Upload Simplification Item Catalog file.
In the productive client, tCode SE38 - RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA (1) select target S/4HANA Version, (2) Schedule Analysis, (3) Immediate and (4) ok. As per the note 2913617, if you do not have the min ST-PI 700/710 SP17 or 740 SP07, then unmark the checkbox for HANA Sizing Data.
This will trigger number of background jobs as shown in next step.
You should get message that Job RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA is scheduled, and a series of messages.
TIP: The scope selection "Simplification item relevance" can be checkmarked from above screen as it is client independent. BUT...... , when selecting "Simplification Item Consistency" the job has to be run in Client 000 since the SUM tool runs this in client 000 during conversion.
ERROR SITUATION 1: If there are any errors in DVM data collection, refer Note 1159758 -Data Volume Management: Central Preparation Note and also Note 2721530 - "FAQ for collecting DVM data during S/4HANA Readiness Check.
ERROR SITUATION 2: If you get this error, apply Note 2443236 - SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA Business Process Improvement Content and also the needed ST-A/PI through SPAM.
There are various jobs launched in order as below and you must check job logs to ensure the data was collected properly.
After the jobs are finished, in SE38 run RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA again and click on button to Download Analysis Data as shown in previous step.
The above jobs are related to below along with components in case you would like to create OSS message. In case the job is cancelled due to error, you will not be able to download analysis data. Rerun the job again.
TIP: The financial Data Quality Analysis is a new feature and in case the job cancels you can create ticket for now and may take time to resolve. You can add that option later after the issue is resolved.
TMW_RC_BPA_DATA_COLL | SV-SMG-MON-BPM-ANA | 11 | Business Process Analysis |
TMW_RC_EFD_DATA_COLL | CA-TRS-PRCK | 4 | Effort Drivers of Simplification Items |
TMW_RC_INNOVA_DATA_COLL | SV-SCS-S4R | 12 | Innovation Potential |
TMW_RC_SITEM_DATA_COLL | CA-TRS-PRCK | 5 | Simplification Item Check & Compatibility Scope Analysis |
TMW_RC_FDQ_DATA_COLL | SV-SCS-S4R | 12 | Financial Data Quality |
BO APPLICATION ANALYSIS 02 | SV-SMG-DVM | 8 | Data Volume Management |
DANA ANALYSIS | SV-SMG-DVM | 8 | Data Volume Management |
TAANA ANALYSIS | SV-SMG-DVM | 8 | Data Volume Management |
TMW_RC_DVM_DATA_COLL | SV-SMG-DVM | 8 | Data Volume Management |
ERROR SITUATION 1: If the job TMW_RC_HANAS_DATA_COLL gives error - internal Error! Set GF_INCLNO in 00F_SET_INCLNO, refer SAP Note 2809344 - Job TMW_RC_BPA_DATA_COLL is cancelled with error: "internal Error! Set GF_INCLNO... which suggests to apply Note 2557474.
ERROR SITUATION 2: If the job fails with error below, please apply SAP note 2919704 - Background Job of Readiness Check terminates because of error message being raise... and run the job again.
In SAP Launchpad (S-USER is required) url (1)
(2) Start New Analysis, (3) Analysis Name, (4) Customer, (5) Browse, (6) Select zip file, (7) & (8) Terms of use, (9) Create.
Once the analysis is in ready state (about an hour), Open the analysis and use the zip file generated from program SYCM_DOWNLOAD_REPOSITORY_INFO and click (1) icon on the top right, (2) Browse, (3) select filename, (4) Terms of Use,(5) Update .
You can click on wheel (1) and switch on (3) for Update & Delete to input details of (3) email id click on Save (4). You can click on + to add more email id's.
You can view the Results Dashboard as shown below.
Above steps complete the Readiness Check.
Readiness Check should be used as a interactive dashboard which has the greatest benefit of online team collaboration. It is now possible to download the Readiness Check as a word document like in Readiness Check 1.0. Customer can provide access to any Implementation Partner with P-User which can be easily created or SAP employee. The access can also be revoked as needed.
ERROR SITUATION 1: In case you get the message below, it is likely that your system is not connected properly through Solution Manager to the SAP Support Portal. Please refer Note 2408911 and blog that explains how the system should be connected to Solution Manager -
Use component for Readiness Check: SV-SCS-S4R to report problems during preparation or execution.
There is no option available to create the Readiness Check 2.0 through Solution Manager.
As shown in the main graphic, you could run analysis related to Custom Code on DEV system so you analyze code that has never gone into production. If you want to analyze only code that has gone into production please run analysis related to Custom Code in PROD.
Another reason for running Custom Code Analysis job in DEV system is where used index may take a while in PROD system.
After the sandbox run, when you start with conversion of DEV system, please apply notes in DEV/QAS/PROD/PREPROD/TRAINING at the same time so that the notes are same across the landscape. If you do this at different times the notes are likely to be of different version. Also apply ST-PI & ST-A/PI at same time.
TIP: During your regular maintenance patch update, please include ST-PI & ST-A/PI, that way some of the required notes are already applied. Both these OCS Packages ST-PI and ST-A/PI do not need stack the xml and can be applied separately.
Readiness Check Help Portal
SAP Note 2758146 - SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA & Process Discovery (evolution of SAP Busines...
Expert Guided Implementation (EGI) <===== sessions on SAP Learning Hub, SAP Enterprise Support Edition*
*Only SAP Enterprise Support customers are eligible to attend this remote training workshop. Please note that to access the SAP Learning Hub, edition for SAP Enterprise Support, a one-time registration is required. A detailed step-by step guidance can be found here.
Event Information: How to interpret your results from SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA
FAQ - SAP Readiness Check 2.0 for SAP S/4HANA – FAQ & What’s New in Releases
Readiness Check Key Features Overview
Compatibility Scope Analysis - Compatibility Scope Analysis in SAP Readiness Check – An Evolution of the Simplification Items Check
Integration Analysis - Extended Integration Analysis in SAP Readiness Check Is Now Live
Customer Vendor Analysis - New Customer Vendor Integration Analysis (CVIA) Check in SAP Readiness Check is Now Live
Financial Data Quality & Effort Drivers - SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA – What’s New in November 2020
SAP S/4HANA 1909 System Conversion Steps & Details – How to be prepared
Thank you. Hope you enjoyed the blog !
Mahesh Sardesai
Product Expert – S/4HANA
Brought to you by the SAP S/4HANA Regional Implementation Group
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