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In this post I am going to consider two option for display analytical query results in Fiori LaunchPad:

  1. Design Studio Template Application

  2. WD Grid Application

I'm using S/4 HANA 1610 version with NW 7.51 for demonstration of features.

Option 1. Design Studio Template Application


Query Browser is a standard design studio template that is available in the standard SAP Fiori offering. No additional installation is required as this application is shipped with the standard SAP Fiori offering.
The Query Browser tile allows the end user to select an Analytical Query CDS views and perform ad-hoc reporting on it. The analytical query is specified via a URL parameter, so it is possible to create a tile that directly starts the analytical query.


1.Open Query Browser, find analytical query that you need and click Open in Design Studio.

2.If appropriate, you will get a selection screen for entering prompts (variables). Enter all mandatory(*) and needed optional prompts and launch report.

There you could in particularly:

  • Perform drill-down by selecting row, columns

  • Perform filtration, sorting

  • Make settings for display options: key and description, key figures in thousands etc.

  • Display in table, chart or both views

  • Export to Excel

  • Save as Tile in some user defined Fiori Tile Groups

  • View of hide subtotals

  • Save variant of report


  • In SICF transaction activate services /sap/bw/ina and /sap/bw/Mime

  • In /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE transaction activate OData service RSAO_ODATA_SRV

  • If you get some errors about 0ANALYSIS try to see solution in this post.

Option 2. WD Grid Application


This application is suitable for Multi-dimensional reporting for business users. There are two WD grid options in RSRT transactions. One for opening in embedded style in SAP GUI, another - for opening in browser.

Some standard analytical report in S/4 HANA are based on this application, in particularity our Compact Journal Query.


1. Go to RSRT transaction in SAP GUI and launch query with option WD Grid.

2. Browser is starting, enter needed prompts and choose start selection.

There you could in particularly:

  • Perform drill-down by selecting row, columns

  • Perform filtration, sorting

  • Make settings for display options: key and description, key figures in thousands etc.

  • Display in table, chart views

  • Export to Excel

  • View of hide subtotals

  • Save variant of report

For making this for business users you can manually create a Fiori Tile by URL. Steps for adding new Fiori Tile with URL is similar to steps in this blog.


  • In SICF transaction activate service /sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/fpm_bics_ovp


My personal opinion on comparison between this reporting options:

  • Visual interface: I think that WD Grid is more familiar for BW business users. Features are located more compact, that is important for web-based UI in case of large reports.

  • Stability: I faced with problem that Design Studio Template is not working stable, some errors could appear in one browser and don't appear in another. WD grid is much more stable.

  • Functionality: They are almost similar, but in case of WD grid option you could make this for standard BW query (not only CDS based), planning queries are also possible.

  • End User tool: Design Studio Template option in this case is better, if user need to be able to create a Tiles by their own without IT support. This possibility is integrated in Query Browser by default.


Thank you for attention!

P.S. Thanks to Bender Julia of SAP developer team there is a good video about WD Grid A First Glance at FPM Analytics GUIBB.