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In This Blog I want to highlight the importance of Role Deprecation and Role Adaptation. With Every Quarterly upgrade or Hotfix deployment, SAP brings in new content which in turn brings in new catalogues added to the system. These catalogues need to be adapted in the Business roles and Role deprecation and Adaptation are used for the same.

Role deprecation and Role Adaptation are the two very critical Process that needs to be performed for managing the deprecated and new catalogues within the role. After every Quarterly upgrade Both Role deprecation as well as Role adaptation are the must do processes before Regression Testing. Role Deprecation Process needs to be performed after each quarterly Upgrade While on the Other hand Role Adaptation is performed not only after each quarterly upgrade but also after new country addition, Hotfix content deployment and Scope item addition.

In Role Deprecation, Deprecated business catalogues which are either removed or replaced with their successor business catalogues gets adopted within a business role.

In Role Adaptation, Business roles present in the system are compared with SAP delivered standard templates, if new catalogues are added to the role as a result of Upgrade/HF Content Deployment/Add new Country/Scope item addition they could be selected and gets adopted to the role. Here the decision to add the newly delivered catalogues in the role or not is solely to be taken by the user. Usually, all the new apps correspond to new catalogues can only added to the system after adding the corresponding catalogues.

Let’s take an “Example for Role Adaptation after Scope item extension”:

Three Scope items 3BR, 3BS and 3BX which are related to Extended Warehouse management are activated in the system, as a result of its various roles [Ex: BR_WAREHOUSE_CLERK_EWM, BR_WAREHOUSE_OPERATIVE_EWM] will get affected. Newly added catalogues as a results of newly added scope items can only be seen in the SAP delivered standard templates [Ex: SAP_BR_WAREHOUSE_CLERK_EWM, SAP_BR_WAREHOUSE_OPERATIVE_EWM] not in business roles, to bring those additional catalogues into the Business roles, Role adaptation need to be performed for each of the affected roles.

Note:  Many applications which are associated with newly added as a result of newly added catalogues in the system are only visible after performing Role Adaptation.

“Process Flow for Role Deprecation and Role Adaptation” after Each Quarterly Upgrade/HF Content Deployment/Add new Country/Scope item addition:

Steps for 'Role Deprecation' -

Step 1: Open App “Business Catalogues”


Step 2: Select ‘Deprecated’ in Status, Click on Go. Then Go inside those business Catalogues which are used in at least 1 business roles [1 or >1]

Step 3: Once Inside, Select the Tab Used in Business Roles, select all the roles and click on Adopt changes

Step 4: A pop-up will come, Check Add the dependent business catalogues, Check business catalogue if any and click on OK

Step 5: Once the roles are adapted, A message will pop-up saying business roles has been adapted, Click on Cancel and go back

Step 6: Once done, under used in business role ‘1’ will be replaced with ‘0'

Steps for 'Role Adaptation':

Step 1: Open App “Business Role Templates”

Step 2: Select ‘Different from business roles’ in Show Business roles templates, Click on Go. Then Go inside the templates

Step 3: Once Inside, Select the Tab Used in Business Roles, select all the roles and click on Compare:

Step 4: Then based on Business requirements, newly added and deprecated catalogues can be checked and uncheck respectively and Save [Or click on Apply All and Save – It will add all newly added catalogues and remove all deprecated ones]

Conclusion: Performing Role deprecation and adaptation before Regression or Business Process Testing, helps in smoothening the overall Business Process. Many times, Incidents are raised only because these two processes are not completed.

Duplication of these two processes in Q and P System can be avoided by Import-Export as well as download-upload the business roles form Q systems to P system. For that Please Follow below Links:

For Import-Export: How to Import and Export Business Roles - SAP Help Portal

For Download-Upload: How to Download and Upload Business Roles - SAP Help Portal

Thanks for reading the Blogpost, I look forward to your comments. Alternatively, you can also post your queries on SAP S/4HANA Cloud Community.



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