Flexible workflows for Purchase Requisition is a powerful application that allows you to define pre-conditions and approvers for workflows. Two types of approvers can be configured – User based, and Role based. We are going to get to know more about Role Based approvers.
Setting up Employees and Employment Data
In order to configure Role-based approvers we need to import employee and the manager information into the system. This is done through the Import Employees application.
Business Case
VP_TEST is the head of the purchasing department of an organization. MANAGER_TEST reports under him and manages the unit that procure raw materials. EMPLOYEE_TEST works in this unit and creates Purchase Requisitions for raw materials.
1. Log onto Fiori Launchpad
Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad using a user that has the SAP_BR_ADMINISTRATOR role.
2. Access the app Import Employees
3. Download the templates from the link provided in the app.
4. Fill the details in both the downloaded excels with the values provided in the screenshots.
5. Upload both the filled excels in the application
Pls note: Upload needs to be done twice. The first upload will fail because employment will get updated only in the second upload.
6. Check the application logs to see if the upload was successful.
7. Log on to the app Maintain Business Users.
8. Search for the user EMPLOYEE_TEST and assign the role SAP_BR_PURCHASER
9. Search for users MANAGER_TEST and VP_TEST assign the role SAP_BR_MANAGER_PROCUREMENT
Business Case
EMPLOYEE_TEST creates multiple Purchase Requisitions. However, the Purchase Requisitions created from the Purchasing Organization 1010 need to be approved by EMPLOYEE_TEST’s manager and manager’s manager.
1. Log onto Fiori Launchpad
Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad using a user that has the SAP_BR_BPC_EXPERT role.
2. Access the app Manage Workflows for Purchase Requisitions .
3. Select Release of Purchase Requisition Item from the drop down.
4. Add a new workflow with Pre-condition as Purchasing Organization = ‘1010’.
5. Add a step sequence and chose Role based approver from the drop down. Choose Manager of Workflow Initiator as the role.
6. Add another step sequence for Manager of Workflow Initiator’s Manager.
7. Save and activate the workflow
8. Log on with EMPLOYEE_TEST user. Initial password will be ‘Initial1!’ for all users created from Import Employees
9. Open the Manage Purchase Requisitions Professional app and create a PR with document category ‘NB’ and Purchasing Organization ‘1010’.
10. Once the PR is created, note down the number
11. Log in as MANAGER_TEST and the access My inbox app. Search for the PR and approve the PR.
12. PR will move to VP_TEST’s inbox. Log in as VP_TEST and approve the PR. Now the PR is fully approved and ready for next level of processing.