This blog post is part of a series called “Tip of the Week”. In this week's tip, we’ll get to know an important capability of the Business Partner card.
Sometimes people get emotionally attached to things. Are you thinking about your first car now? Well, it can be much smaller things, for example - the red stapler you have in the office and that never lets you down. Most of the time though, devices are there to serve us, but not just us… for example, a coffee machine may serve two companies located at the same floor of a building. To allow the service provider to reflect this practice, SAP Business One introduces a new option, enabling to assign multiple business partners to a given equipment card:
When selected, a browsing button appears next to the Business Partner Code field in the Equipment Card, enabling you to assign multiple business partners and set the default one to be displayed in the field:
If you select also the option "Automatically Add Business Partners from New Documents to Existing Equipment Cards", business partners from newly created documents where the given equipment card appears, will be added to that equipment card automatically. Note that this option is available only when automatic creation of equipment card is activated.
Available in SAP Business One 10.0 PL02 and SAP Business One 10.0, version for SAP HANA PL02.3221t
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