Setting a team meeting, conference call, company outing day, or any other activity that involves multiple attendees is very common. So much that some of us are setting such activities on a daily basis. To increase efficiency and productivity SAP Business One is introducing “Recipient Lists”:
In the “Assigned To” field, choose the option “Recipient List”, now you can choose a recipient list from the drop-down menu, or you can choose “Define New” and create a new one. Just select the relevant users from the list and choose the “Save as Recipient List” button:
If you just want to assign the activity to multiple recipients, select the relevant users in this window, and click “Ok”. The value “Multiple” will be populated in the “Assign To” field, to indicate your selection, however no recipient list is created in this case.
Available in SAP Business One 9.3, version for SAP HANA and SAP Business One 9.3. This tip and all the other tips are available on the
Tip of the week community page. You can also visit the
Implementation Arena for useful implementation tips.