Dear All,
We are very happy to announce the go live of the Planned Downtime Calculator as part of SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA.
The Planned Downtime Calculator provides an overview of the total planned business downtime duration, which could be expected during the conversion to SAP S/4HANA (within the same data center). The overall planned business downtime duration is split into downtime phases, where the durations can be adjusted based on customer requirements and experiences. The initial duration values presented in the tool are based on customer experiences (empirical figures) and evaluation of the SAP S/4HANA sizing results (estimated figures), which is collected as part of the SAP Readiness Check analysis, by means of the program
RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA. The estimated durations are derived by either comparing the sizing data with similar systems, based on reference data reported by other customers, or by using rule-of-thumb throughput figures.
Note: It is important to highlight that an initial system conversion in a project (for example, a sandbox conversion) can have a runtime of up to a factor of 10 times longer than the final production conversion. Therefore, the results of the initial conversion could differ from what is presented as estimated values within this application.
Additionally, there are multiple options for executing a conversion to SAP S/4HANA. The displayed runtimes, however, only apply to a standard conversion through Software Update Manager within a single data center. The runtimes will significantly increase if you are moving between facilities, such as to a hyperscaler, at the same time as the conversion. This scenario is also not considered a so-called in-place conversion because the database hardware most commonly will be changed as part of the conversion.
Planned Downtime Calculator Tile on the Dashboard
Possible Scenarios
The following scenarios can be displayed in the Planning Downtime Calculator tile on the SAP S/4HANA dashboard:
References Found, and Results Are Available:
- The SAP S/4HANA sizing results returned a value that is less than 20 TB.
- Statistical matches were found in the reference database.
- A view similar to the graphic presented above will be displayed.
- When accessing the results at a later point in time, a Refresh function is available to recalculate based on the latest set of references.
Rule-Based Results Are Available:
- The SAP S/4HANA sizing results returned a value that is less than 3 TB.
- No statistical matches were found in the reference database.
- Rule-based results are displayed.
- When accessing the results at a later point in time, a Refresh function is available to recalculate based on the latest set of references.
Insufficient Number of Related References:
- The planned business downtime cannot be calculated at this time, as no closely matching customer references were found in the reference database.
- No samples representative of the system were found at the time of the analysis.
- Since the number of references is rapidly growing, a Refresh function is available to check at a later point in time if a calculation is possible.
Expert Analysis Required:
- The SAP S/4HANA sizing results returned a value that is greater than 20 TB.
- The planned business downtime cannot be calculated here as the anticipated system size exceeds 20 TB. Based on this sizing, special considerations are required to calculate the potential planned business downtime for the conversion to SAP S/4HANA.
Missing Sizing Analysis Results:
- No sizing results have been uploaded to the SAP Readiness Check analysis. Therefore, the planned business downtime cannot be calculated.
- Once the SAP S/4HANA sizing results have been uploaded, the planned downtime can be calculated.
Request Cannot Be Processed:
- The planned business downtime cannot be calculated at this time.
- A Refresh function is available to check at a later point in time if a calculation is possible.
A detailed view is available for each scenario by choosing the tile header.
Detailed View
The durations of the individual phases, which are based in part on the collected SAP S/4HANA sizing results, are depicted by the following values:
- Empirical values that are based on a culmination of customer experiences.
- Estimated values that are reference values, measured from similar systems. Alternatively, these values may also be based on a rule-of-thumb throughput estimate. If no values are provided or if you want to adapt the values to your own and/or customer experiences, custom values can be entered manually.
By summing the empirical and estimated values (or if applicable, the custom values), the total planned business downtime is calculated.
Why Does This Help?
The calculated execution times may help you choose the right approach for shortening the business downtime. If you require a significantly shorter business downtime, consider the downtime-optimized conversion option, which was made generally available as of SUM 2.0 SP10. Performing archiving and housekeeping prior to the conversion can also help shortening the system downtime.
For more information, go to the detailed view of the check and see the
Next Steps section in the
Learn More side panel.
Activating the Planned Downtime Calculator
No additional SAP Notes are required for this check. The only prerequisite is that the SAP S/4HANA sizing results have been processed as a part of the
If the status
Missing Sizing Analysis Results is displayed in the tile, the SAP S/4HANA sizing results were not part of the initial SAP Readiness Check analysis. You need to run the analysis for
HANA Sizing in program
RC_COLLECT_ANALYSIS_DATA and upload the ZIP file to the existing SAP Readiness Check analysis results.
If the status
Request Cannot Be Processed is displayed in the tile, you can choose
Refresh at a later point in time to check if a calculation is possible.
SAP Readiness Check Team