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Hello everyone,

In 2014 SAP released notes 2092366 and 2083799 which might be important for the parking using BAPI scenario. 

Document parking with accounting BAPIs could only be achieved using a custom enhancement (BTE or BAdI implementation). 

With note 2092366 SAP now officially supports the functionality of parking documents using the accounting BAPI, but only under the restrictions listed in the notes 2092366 and 2021422 With this scenario no manipulation of TCODE allowed and only for object type BKPFF.

The official solution in note 2092366 is only be delivered in support packages. A manual implementation using SNOTE is not intended to guarantee that all previous notes regarding this functionality are available in the customer system.


The more important note for you might be 2083799. This SAP Note describes various posting processes and specifies which data must be transferred to the
BAPI to post the relevant process. The idea is document all possible posting scenarios supported by the BAPIs in this note. The developers still working in this note so if a customer wants to post another scenario which is not yet documented in the note, it does not mean the BAPI does not support this.

Related notes:

2092366               Parking with BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST

2083799               Composite SAP Note: Postings with Accounting BAPIs

2021422               Vorerfassung über RWIN mit unerlaubtem TCODE oder AWTYP (not translated yet)

Note related park documents using BAPI released in 2015:

2229113 - Using BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST to park a document with multilevel tax code

I hope it helps! Any sugestions please let we know!

